Philosophy - M1 Yr 8 Flashcards
What is a government?
A group of people with the authority to run society.
What is liberty?
Being free from oppression in society.
What is democracy?
A system of government that votes for and elects representatives.
What is a monarchy?
A form of government with a figurehead. This is almost always recieved by winning a war or inheritance.
What is socialism?
Wealth should be owned/regulated by the community as a whole.
What is totalitarianism?
A form of government that requires complete subservience to the state.
Who came up with the Harm Principle?
John Stuart Mill
What is the Harm Principle?
The Harm Principle says ‘everyone can say whatever they want unless it causes harm to others’.
Mill argued that we should have freedom of speech so that we could have what three things:
- The Marketplace of Ideas
- Individual Autonomy
- Protection Against Tyranny
What is The Marketplace of Ideas?
Society benefits from allowing all ideas to be expressed freely because it allows for the testing and refinement of these ideas. In a marketplace of ideas, the best ideas are more likely to emerge and prevail through open debate and discussion.
What is Individual Autonomy?
Freedom of speech is essential for individual development and autonomy. Allowing people to express their opinions and engage in open debate helps individuals develop their critical thinking skills and make informed choices.
What is Protection Against Tyranny?
Freedom of speech serves as protection against government tyranny by allowing the free exchange of ideas, which helps keep government power in check and prevents it from becoming oppressive.
What is tyranny?
Tyranny is the cruel and unfair use of power by a ruler or government, often involving oppression and lack of freedom for the people.
What is oppression?
Oppression is the unjust or harsh treatment of people, often through the use of power or authority, limiting their rights, freedoms, and opportunities. It can involve discrimination, control, or exploitation.
David Hume thought that humans were naturally _________.
What four things did David Hume believe in?
- Scepticism of Pure Democracy
- Preference for Representative Government
- A Limited Government
- Balance of Power