philosophy-good and evil Flashcards
this is christian love- it is love shown to another person no matter who they are, what they have done or whether or not the love is returned. Jesus gave the example of christian love when he died on the cross for all people
this is the book of “Gods word. It contains the history of the Jews and the life of Christ and the early Church. It has the teachings of God and Jesus to help people to be good Christians
this is the inner voice of a person, which Christians believe to be the voice of God. It tells people what is right and what is wrong. It is a moral compass
this is the being that is the opposite of God; the devil and Satan represents evil
this word is used to describe something which is very bad or morally wrong. There are two types of evil:
• Natural evil, which refers to events which happen in nature, such as earthquakes, tornadoes etc.
• Moral evil, which refers to the evil which people do to each other , such as murder or bullying
this is the idea of trust and belief in something for which there is no evidence. Christians have faith that God exists. They have faith in Jesus will help them and that he died to save them
this means that people have a choice to follow God or disobey God
this is the supreme being whom Christians believe is all good, all powerful and all loving
moral behavior
someone behave morally when they lead a life without sin
moral code
this refers to the right way to behave- chistians believe that it is the rules of God, e.g. the Ten Commandments
Original sin
this refers to first sin in the world which was done by Adam and Eve when they Disobeyed God and took the fruit from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Christians believe that everyone is born with original sin and this is why babies are baptized to wash away this sin
this word meas “ the beginnings”. in this topic “ origins of evil” describes how evil entered God’s good and perfect creation
problem of evil
this asks the question: why does God not stop evil and suffering when he is supposed to be all loving and all powerful?
this is the word given to the act of delivering or saving someone from evil. Jesus, by dying on the cross, caused the redemption of humankind because his death conquered evil and washed away the human sin
This is an act of saying sorry and truly meaning it, while at the same time showing that the wrong action will never be repeated. The person will try and make up for the wrong action committed
this happens because of evil- it is the pain, torment and agony which people feel. There are four types : emotional, mental , religious and physical
the fall
this refers to original sin when Adam and Eve by disobeying disobeying God allowed sin and death to enter God’s good world. And so the world “ fell” away from the God and good and the door to heaven was closed. Jesus death on the cross reopened the door