Philosophy Flashcards
Name the 8 limbs of yoga.
- Yama - ethical restraints
- Niyama - observances
- Asana - postures
- Pranayama - extension of life force energy
- Pratyahara - withdrawal of senses; focused inwardly
- Dharana - concentration
- Dhyana - meditation
- Samadhi - enlightenment; union with Universal spirit
Name the 5 Yamas, or restraints.
- Ahimsa - non-violence
- Satya - truth or truthfulness
- Asteya - non-stealing
- Brahmacharya - integrity in relationship to sexuality
- Aparigraha - freedom from desire and greed
Name the 5 Niyamas, or observances.
- Saucha - purity or cleanliness
- Santosa - contentment
- Tapas - self-discipline; spiritual passion, practice
- Svadhyaya - mindfulness; self-study
- Ishvara-Pranidhana - surrender to God or the Absolute
What are the 5 koshas, from gross to subtle?
- Annamaya – physical, food layer
- Pranamaya – life force, breath layer
- Manomaya – thought layer
- Vijnanamaya – wisdom layer
- Anandamaya – bliss layer
What is a maya?
An illusion
What are nadis and how many are there in the human body?
Energy channels. 72,000 of ‘em.
What is a chakra?
A whirling vortex of energy.
What are the three major nadis in the human body?
- Shushumna –central channel of pure state energy
- Ida – left channel of feminine energy
- Pingala –right channel of masculine energy
The three major nadis cross _ times, making _ major chakras.
The three major nadis cross 7 times, making 7 major chakras.
In yogic philosophy, what is shiva?
Pure potentiality at the crown of our being.
What is shakti kundalini?
Dynamic creative energy said to be coiled dormant at the base of the human spine.
What are the 7 chakras, their function and colour, from bottom to top?
- Muladhara –root chakra; safety and trust
- Svadisthana – sacral chakra; sensuality and creativity
- Manipura –solar plexus chakra; power
- Anahata –heart chakra; love
- Vishuddha –throat chakra; truth and communication
- Ajna –third-eye chakra; intuition
- Sahasra –crown chakra; connection to the cosmos