Philosophy Flashcards
Greece. Socratic dialogue, ethics, ostracized, killed with hemlock
Greece. “Ideals”, Platonic Ideals, forms, wrote about Socrates.
Greece. Physical science, set up academy, tutored Alexander the Great.
Marcus Aurelius
Roman Emperor. Stoicism, “Meditations”.
St Augustine of Hippo
Medieval North Africa. Original Sin, Importance of Grace, Holy Trinity.
Thomas Aquinas
Italy. Dominican Friar. Natural Law, “Summa Theologica”, Cosmological Argument (God exists because we exist), Model of Priesthood.
Rene Descartes
France. “Cognito, ergo sum”, Cartesian coordinates.
Thomas Hobbes
England. Leviathan.
Niccolo Machiavelli
Florence. The Prince, real politik.
Immanuel Kant
Germany. Categorical imperative.
Gottfried Leibniz
John Locke
England. Father of liberalism, US. constitution, democracy, separation of C+S, religious freedom.
Francis Bacon
England. Father of scientific method, died in raw chicken + snow experiment.
France. Candide, imprisoned twice, satire, against monarchy and organized religion.
Adam Smith
Scotland. The Wealth of Nations.
Karl Marx
Germany. Das Kapital, The Communist Manifesto, worked with Fredrich Engels.
Freidrich Nietzche
Germany. Existentialism.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Switzerland. The Social Contract, Sincerity, Discourse on Inequality. Believed in majority rules democracy, and that people are born good and corrupted.
Jean-Paul Sartre
France. Existentialist. Being and Nothingness. Open relationship w/ SdB.
Simone de Beauvoir
France. Existentialist. The Second Sex. Open relationship w/ JPS.
Sigmund Freud
Austria. Jewish. Father of psychoanalysis, dreams, subconsciousness.
China. Golden Rule. loyalty, elder respect, family, influences Chinese thought today.
Sun Tzu
China. Art of War, strategy.
Thomas Paine
USA. Common Sense, The American Crisis, enlightenment amidst revolution.
Henry David Thoreau
USA. transcendentalist, nature, anarchy. A lot like Dom WIghtman. Walden, Civil Disobedience.