Philosophy Flashcards
Who was Cartesian Skepticism named for, and what is it?
René Descartes, a process of analyzing one’s beliefs
What are empirical beliefs?
Beliefs formed through senses
What are Local doubts?
Doubts about sensual experiences
What is Global doubt?
The thought that everything is a deception
Explain the 5-minute hypothesis
Created by Bertrand Russel - what if the universe was created five minutes ago, and everything marking time - memories, fossils, etc. - were fabricated by the creator?
What is the Evil Genius?
Created by Descartes, it is a concept not unlike the devil - a creature who’s sole purpose is to deceive us. Descartes created this after encountering his own version of the 5-minute hypothesis. As a devout Catholic, he could not believe God would deceive us.
Three branches of philosophy
Metaphysics, epistemology, and value theory (ethics and aesthetics)
A failure in reasoning rendering one’s argument invalid
Principle of charity
Understanding an argument in its truest form
Greek, love of wisdom
People participating in conversation or debate
Socratic method
Learning through ideas rather than information
Propositions used to justify a conclusion
What is the Tripartite soul?
Created by Plato - consists of rational thinking, emotional thinking, and physical thinking
Species of arguments
Deductive, inductive, abductive, argument by analogy, and reduction ad absurdum