Philosophies Of Nursing Flashcards
Sets forth the meaning of nursing phenomena through analysis, reasoning, local argument. This leads to a new theoretical understanding
Nursing philosophies
This also represent early works that predates the theory era. It also includes later works of a more philosophical nature
Nursing philosophies
Who came up with the “Activities of the living” model
Nancy Roper
Winifred W. Logan
Alison J. Tierney
Give the 12 activities of living
From the top of the triangle to bottom
1. Death
2. Sleeping
3. Sexuality
4. Working and playing
5. Mobalisation
6. Controlling temperature
7. Washing and dressing
8. Eliminating
9. Eating and drinking
10. Breathing
11. Communication
12. Maintaining a safe environment
5 main factors that influenced the activities of living
Polie economic
Are essential to maintain life underpins Roper’s activities of living model
Human physiological and psychological behaviors
The way which person attends to his activities of living with respect to his development age or his place in the life span
Individuality of living
Describe the person in the complex process of living from the perspective of an amalgam of activities
The activities of living
Refers to the concept of continuous change from birth until death or amalgam of activities
The activities of living
Relates to the factors and activities of the person. From full incapacitation to having the ability to fully achieve activities of the living
Dependence-independence continuum
Emphasizes the importance of developmental assessment and individualizing patient care
A model based on model of living or the Activities of the Living
T or F. No two patients can have similar reactions to a similar disease
A model for nursing that emphasizes the importance of the patients ability to perform activities of the daily living
Roper-Logan-tierney model or the Activities of the Living
T or F. The RLT model views individual as being engaged in various independence and total dependence in accordance to age, circumstance and health status
When was the RLT model created
The Roper-Logan-Tierney model is currently used as a ___ rather than an approach to the assessment
Checklist in admission
T or F. The RLT model is a way of comparing how a patients life has changed due to illness