Philosophies of Learning Flashcards
The Department of Education gives greater emphasis on the development of basic skills. What is the philosophical basis for this?
Teacher M views his students as unique, free-choosing and responsible individuals. All classroom activities revolve around the said premise. What theory underlies this?
Religious rituals in the classroom and in the school programs prove the deep natural religiosity of the Filipinos. Which philosophy has greatly contributed to the tradition?
Which philosophy has the educational objective to indoctrinate Filipinos to accept the teachings of the Catholic church which is foster faith in God?
Virtue as one component in the teaching of Rizal as a course focuses on the teaching of good and beauty consistent with the good and beauty in God. What philosophy supports this?
The progressivists emphasized the individuality of the child. What is the concern of the reconstructionists?
Social Problem
Scouting and Citizen’s Army Training (CAT) give training in character-building, citizenship training, etc. Which leads to the creation of a new social order and a new society eventually. What philosophy supports this?
Social Reconstructionism
Teacher V demonstrated the technique on how to group students according to their needs and interests and how to use self-paced instructional materials. Which philosophy is manifested in this activity?
Teacher G, a Christian Living teacher, puts so much significance on values development and discipline. What could be her educational philosophy?
Which philosophy approves a teacher who lectures most of the time and requires his students to memorize the rules of grammar?
Activities planned by school clubs/ organizations show school-community connection geared towards society’s needs. What philosophy is related to this?
Social Reconstuctionism
What philosophy is related to the practice of schools acting as laboratory for teaching reforms and experimentation?
What philosophy of education advocates that the curriculum should only include universal and unchanging truths?
Which philosophy of education influence the singing of the National Anthem in schools?
Who among the following believes that learning requires disciplined attention, regular homework, and respect for legitimate authority?
Your teacher is of the opinion that the word and everything in it are ever changing and so teaches you the skill to cope with the changes. Which in his governing philosophy?
Teacher Myra says: “If it is billiard that brings students out of the classroom, let us bring it into the classroom. Perhaps, I can use it to teach Math”. To which philosophy does teacher Myra adheres to?
Which philosophy influenced the cultivation of reflective and meditative skills in teaching?
Zen Buddhism