Philosophies Flashcards
Social development theory
Social interaction for cognitive development
Robert Havighurst
Developmental tasks
Jean Piaget
Theory of cognitive development and the four stages
Four major stages
Pre operational
Concrete operations
Formal operations
Jerome Bruner
Series of developmental stages
Benjamin bloom
Wrote Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Predicting learning outcomes by assessing 3 factors
BF skinner
Behavioral theory
Frederick Douglas
Improved vocational schools to help plight of blacks
Booker T Washington
Early black educators.
Development of education in US
Maria Montessori
Child sized furniture
Independent work by kids under guidance of teacher
Ella Flagg Young
Superintendent of Chicago public school in 1909
First female president of National Education Association
Teacher-centered philosophies
Based on assumption that students should learn basic facts regarding social and physical world
BF Skinner
Behavior determined by environment, response to external stimuli, related to realism.
Teacher controls stimuli of kids
Focus on observable, measurable info, rejects believes about mind spirit and consciousness, reality explained by laws of matter and motion, knowledge based on sense perceptions, objective reality
Student-centered philosophies
All learning is active, intellectual, social, and emotional
Curriculum begins with child’s interests and experiences
Education should enhance goodness
Should develop free, self-actualizing person
Developing personal meaning through hands-on activities
Students construct meaning through critical thinking and big ideas
Dutch Renn humanist
Wrote in Latin style
Humanistic theory of education
Frederich Frobel
Laid foundation for modern education based on recognition that children have different needs and skills
First kindergarten
Women best teachers for young kids
John Locke
Blank slate
Teachers need to create a nonthreatening learning environment
Knowledge is virtue
Socratic method-centers on use of guiding question
Lev Vygotsky
Social development theory
Dame schools
Precursor to primary school
Teach the 3 R’s and sewing or homemaking
Horace Mann
Father of American Ed
Educate pro educators
Prepping kids for democratic future
Department of Education
helps est effective school systems
Department of Defense (DOD)
Military, Naval, Coast Guard and Air Force Academies
school system for children of military staff wherever they’re stationed.
National Science Foundation
promotes science; advance national health, prosperity and welfare; to secure national defense.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
manages finances many of schools on Reservations
Department of the Interior
educational responsibility for kids of national park employees; for Samoa and trust territories like Caroline and Marshall Islands.
Oversees BIA.
Regional Education Laboratories
fed gov
funds 10 regional education labs which provide curriculum development, tech assistance, and eval services to districts and states
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Ed (NCATE)
non gov
grants pro accreditation in teacher education to the school, college or dep of education responsible for prepping teachers
Teacher Ed Accreditation Council (TEAC)
non gov
offers accreditation to teacher ed programs
newer than NCATE
Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC)
non gov
created 10 standards that describe what teachers should know and be able to do
National Education Association (NEA)
non gov
teacher union (largest)
advancing public ed and improving working conditions
provides teacher resources
American Federation of Teacher (AFT)
non gov
2nd largest union
actively supported school improvement programs
Regional Accreditation
non gov
grant accred on uni’s financial status, student services and gen studies curriculum
6 regional agencies.
Head Start
public program for 3-5 year olds for low income
Title 1
Provided more funding for schools with high populations of students from low-income families
additional personnel, materials, and professional development for teachers
National Defense Education Act: provides federal money for science, math, engineering and language
No Child Left Behind
federal controls over local schools
students are tested annually in reading and mathematics
too much fed gov money
1st amendment
freedom of speech, religion, and of the press
10th amendment
grants each state power to provide public education
14th amendment
ensures equal educational opportunity
Affirmative Action
policies and procedures designed to compensate for past discrimination against women and members of minority groups
Section 504
Federal statute, civil rights act that addresses 3 areas: equal treatment, appropriate education, and ppl with disabilities
P.L. 94-142
AKA Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) passed in 1975 > Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act provides a free, appropriate public education for students with disabilities
Response to Intervention A multi-tiered approach to early identification and support of kids with learning/behavioral needs 1. Whole group instruction 2. Small group instruction 3. 1 on 1 instruction
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)
reviews representative work of experienced teachers to determine whether their work merits their gaining board certification as accomplished teachers
A Nation at Risk
Reagan’s 1983 report. academic underachievement which led to 38 suggestions by the commission on curriculum and stuff
Science, Tech, Engineering and Math. Not enough high tech pros are being produced by high schools
The Framework for 21st C Learning
Basic core subjects and develop global awareness which includes civiv, health, financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy
move students from public schools, esp those meeting AYP, to private schools
Magnet Schools
public schools focused on arts, maths and sciences
diverse population
Charter Schools
created by teachers, parents, non profits
improve academic performance
EX: montessori schools, edison, experiential learning schools, and KIPP
Parochial Schools
private school supported by a religious affiliation
Project-based learning
Studying a particular question, problem, or theme in depth over time that requires the use of several academic content areas
Montessori schools
3-6 year olds
no large group instruction
subject-based work centers where kids can interact with materials
High Scope Approach
belief that kids are active learners and Jean Piaget’s child development theories
lessons designed to relate to kids lives and environments
portfolios showcase their work
Reggio Emilia Approach
kids, families, teachers and community takes an active role in education
project based
Newcomer program
separate, self-contained educational interventions to meet needs of kids new to US schools
Sheltered English Instruction
makes instruction in English understandable to ELL students using physical activities, visual aids and the environment to teach vocab
Structured ENligsh Immersion Program
so ELL kids can succeed in English only classroom. all instruction in english
Submersion program
places ELL kids in regular classroom with little to no support with idea that they’ll pick up on language naturally
Purpose of assessment
to help students learn
Assessment for learning
student essays, projects, portfolios
Assessment of learning
standardized tests, determine who moves forward
professional learning communities
teachers working together to improve student learning, develop common goals, find ways to meet goals, different approaches, collect data
school improvement process
principal, teachers, department chairs, parents, meetings to determine how well kids are performing, identify targets and goals for next year.
school development program
research based k-12 education reform program grounded in the principles of child, adolescent and adult development, 3 principles (decision making, problem solving and collab)