Philosophical perspectives Flashcards
The armored infantry where Socrates served
Why was Socrates placed on trial
How was Socrates killed
Concept about man being composed of body and soul
Who claimed that the body is imperfect and the soul is perfect and permanent
Who said “the unexamined life is not worth living for beings”
What does Socrates say about knowledge and ignorance
Knowledge is virtue; Ignorance is vice
A student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle
Who was able to found an academy in Athens and came from Greek aristocracy
Main concept of Plato
Tripartite soul
Composition of Tripartite soul
Reason, Spirit, and Appetitive
Attached to knowledge and truth. Concerned to guide and regulate life.
Motivating force for ambition and self-assertion.
What is the natural attachment of the spirit
honor, recognition, and esteem by others
Concerned with food, drink, and sex
Gives rise to desires and money-loving part
Criticized Plato for being too metaphysical
Main concept of Aristotle
World: Matter and Form
PLATO: The Real is immaterial and in the World of
The real is the sensible or what can be perceived
Where was St Augustine born
Tagaste, in Numidia
What did St Augustine write
Confession, City of God
When and who was St. Augustine baptized by
Bishop Ambrose of Milan on Easter Sunday
Augustine’s View on human nature
body-soul composite
According to St Augustine human nature is defined by what
Original sin
is conceived in terms that stress the role played by reason in a life that is in keeping with the larger order
Human agency
Goal of every human according to Augustine
to attain communion and bliss with the divine by living in virtue while on earth
Where was St Thomas Aquinas sent to train among the Benedictine monks
Abbey of Monte Cassino
When and where was St. Thomas Aquinas ordained
Cologne, Germany, in 1250
St. Thomas earned his doctrine under the tutelage of whom?
St Albert the Great
Make up everything in the universe
Matter (Hyle)
Essence of a substance
Function of nutrition and reproduction
By which higher animals perceive and respond to
their environment. Includes locomotion
Humans are able to use speech and have abstract thoughts
What did Rene Descartes famously said
Cogito, ergo sum - “I think, therefore I am”
Father of Modern Philosophy
Rene Descartes
What does it mean to be a real seeker of truth
“If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.”
Keystone of Descartes’s concept of self
Cogito, ergo sum
Material, mortal nonthinking entity, fully governed by the physical laws of nature.
Physical self (body)
A spiritual, nonmaterial, immortal realm that includes conscious, thinking being
Locke on personal identity
The self is consciousness
Where knowledge originates from
direct sense experience
Who claims that A person is also someone who considers itself to be the same thing in different times and different places.
John Locke
What are the keys in understanding the self?
Conscious awareness and memory
According to John Locke It is in _________ alone that identity exist, not in the body and soul
Main concept of David Hume
A bundle of perceptions/impression
basic sensations of our experience, the elemental data of our minds.
Ex. pain, pleasure, heat, cold, happiness, grief, fear, exhilaration,
Copies of impression, less lively and vivid
Perception of David Hume about self
A “bundle or collection of
different perceptions, which succeed each other with an inconceivable rapidity, and are in a perpetual flux and movement.”
Impressions are ____ and _____
Lively and vivid
Who argues regarding “constant and invariable” self
David Hume
Perception of self by Immanuel Kant
We construct the self
Role of the mind according to Immanuel Kant
The mind organizes impressions
Perception of self by Immanuel Kant
our self that makes experiencing an intelligible world
possible because it’s the self that is responsible for synthesizing the discreet data of sense experience into a meaningful whole.
a subject, an organizing principle that makes a unified and intelligible experience possible
The self
What makes the self a regulative principle
The self regulates experiences by making unified experience possible
Main concept of Gilbert Ryle
The self is how you behave
What is Gilbert Ryle’s argument regarding the mind and body
The mind and the body seem connected in complex and intimate ways that
spatial metaphors simply don’t capture.
What does Ryle call the idea regarding the mind being a seat of self
Ghost In The Machine
How is self best understood according to Ryle
A pattern of behavior, the tendency or disposition for a person to behave in a certain way in certain circumstances
Main concept of Paul Churchland
Eliminative Materialism
radical claim that our ordinary,
common sense understanding of the mind is deeply wrong and
that some or all of the mental states posited by common sense
do not actually exist.
Eliminative materialism
The new conceptual framework of Paul Churchland will be based on and will integrate all that we are learning about
how the brain works on
a neurological level
Main concept of Maurice Merleau-Ponty
The self is embodied subjectivity
an entity that can never be objectified or known in a completely objective sort of way, as opposed to the “body as object” of the dualists.
“I live in my body.”
“There is not a duality of substances but only the dialectic of living being in its biological milieu.”
Mind-body intertwined.
an actively engaged intelligence in man that
synthesizes all knowledge and experience.
Self according to Kant
who claims that without the self, one cannot organize the different impressions that one gets in relations to his own
Immanuel Kant
Argues that there is an inner self and outer self
Immanuel Kant
According to Locke, it is ________ alone that identity exist not in the body and soul
Lock argues that the _____ may change, but __________ remains intact
soul, consciousness
According to Ryle The ________ is a category mistake, brought about by habitual use.
Ryle argues that What truly matters is the ________ that a person manifests in his day to day life
Ponty argues that all ________ is embodied
Ponty argues that the self is
The emotion, living body, his thoughts, and experiences
Ponty’s view on the mind-body
Mind-Body intertwined
Christian Bishop and Theologian
St Augustine
Doctor of the Catholic Church
St Augustine
Saint, Theologian, Philosopher, Priest (c. 1225-1274)
St Thomas Aquinas
Father of Rationalism
Rene Descartes