Philosophers Flashcards
Ancient Greek philosopher who founded the Lyceum
Chinese philosopher known as “Old Man” or “Old Master” known for belief in wuwei – non-action
Dutch philosopher famous for Ethics
Baruch Spinoza
He was a German philosopher influenced by Indian philosophy. Who wrote The World as Will and Representation?
Arthur Schopenhauer
He probably got excommunicated for writing Tractatus Theologica-Politicus (Theological Political Treatise)
Baruch Spinoza
Ancient Greek philosopher who taught Alexander the Great and thought of God as the “unmoved mover”
One of this Italian philosopher’s famous works is City of God, a treatise saying that Christianity was not responsible for the decline of the Roman empire.
Thomas Aquinas
Ancient Greek philosopher famous for Metaphysics and Poetics
His On the Will in Nature featured the concepts of animal magnetism, magic, and his interest in Chinese philosophy.
Arthur Schopenhauer
He wrote Summa Theologica
Thomas Aquinas
He founded existentialism
Soren Kierkegaard
He posited that existence is our own free choice and wrote Either/Or
Soren Kierkegaard
He wrote a defense of Catholicism against Judaism and Islam called Summa Contra Gentiles
Thomas Aquinas
He wrote The Sickness Unto Death
Soren Kierkegaard
He was the founder of Stoicism
Zeno of Citium
This Chinese philosopher wrote Analects
This German idealist philosopher focused on how consciousness evolves in Phenomenology of Spirit
Georg Hegel
This Enlightenment philosopher wrote Candide
His Four Books included The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, Analects, and The Works of Mencius
This Chinese philosopher claimed he would teach anyone for dried meat and taught Mencius
He said that “Happiness is a virtue, not its reward.” His friends published Political Treatise after his death.
Baruch Spinoza
His work called Politics argued that government should be in the hands of a few and talked about monarchy, tyranny, aristocracy, oligarchy, polity, and democracy.
Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard hated him
Georg Hegel
Danish philosopher who examines faith through the biblical story of Abraham and Isaac in Fear and Trembling
Soren KIerkegaard
Baruch Spinoza was most closely associated with what philosophy?
Soren Kierkegaard was most closely associated with what philosophy?
Who posited that Christianity created “slave morality” and wrote Thus Spake Zarathustra and The Gay Science?
Friedrich Nietzche
He was a student of Socrates who founded transcendental idealism and wrote Republic and Allegory of the Cave.
He was an empiricist who argued that the mind is a blank slate (tabula rasa).
John Locke
He was a Humanist who wrote Utopia.
Thomas More
He called for a return to virtues of freedom, innocence, and nature and wrote The Social Contract.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau