Philo - animals Flashcards
Koorsgaard on human attitudes towards animals
Treat all sentient beings as “ends-in-themselves”
Cartesian view on nonhuman animals
Since nonhuman animals have no unconscious experiences (anticipation, memory) nothing can be really good or bad for them
Peter Singer in Animal Liberation
His daughter has “more to lose” than their dog who could be replaced by another dog having the same pleasant experiences
But: treating beings cruelly based on their species is no more justified than racism
Kant: what is ethics really about?
The quality of our relationships with ourselves and others
“How should I treat this being? What do I owe them and myself?
Kant: how should we treat animals?
W/ reciprocity and mutual benefit as we would other humans
Moral duties are not owed to animals, but to ourselves
Treating animals without love is demeaning to ourselves as we harshen our treatment of other humans
Virtue ethics on eating meat
We ought to eat what a virtuous person would eat
Depends on the circumstance: if you are stranded, or find roadkill
Doesn’t mean you lack compassion or are acting self-indulgently
Virtue ethics and Kant
Contrary: VE says the love or benevolence is not limited to humans
Agree: virtuous love toward animals must be respectful which acknowledges their needs
Must avoid viewing what is good for pets from the perspective of our own desires
McPherson on animal suffering
1) wrong to cause suffering because of how it feels
2) wrong to deprive beings of their future, even if they don’t see the value of their future
Ethical vegetarianism
Wrong to consume meat
OK to consume dairy and eggs so long as they are humanely produced
Inefficacy objection
Wrong to inflict animal suffering and death but not wrong to use animal products
Doing so does not make a different to the amount of animal suffering
Anti-complicity principle
Wrong to cooperate with other’s plans and benefit from them.
Very demanding, but McPh. says our ethical obl. should be demanding
Bobier: Virtuous Modest Veganism
Temperance, justice, compassion motivate a virtuous person to adopt a plant-based diet. At odds with factory farming and ‘humane’ farming.
J: eating meat is unnec. for a healthy life; eating meat for convenience/pleasure is unjust
C: enjoying something that requires the death of another is incompat. with being compass.
T: the temperate person enjoys pleasures for the right reasons
The Support Principle
Don’t support a cruel practice if an alternative to it is available, which is comparable in cost and quality and is not the product of an essentially cruel practice
Killing animals for food doesn’t violate their basic welfare rights
Killing animals for nourishing food, gustatory pleasure, sustaining valued social practices, and a viable alterative to factory farming doesn’t violate their rights.
New omnivorism
Permissible to eat some animals to minimize suffering
Non-Ideal World Thesis
Vegan diet involves animal harm
Consumption in capitalism involve harming others
Pesticides, mechanical harvesting of crops…
Animal Care Thesis
The virtuous person cares about animals and seeks to minimize animal harm.
Impossible to eliminate animal suffering and death by adopting a strict plant-based diet.
Motivated by compassion to minimize tragedy in non-ideal circumstances.
Free meat thesis
Eating free animal products will minimize the number of animals harmed in production.
(a) doesn’t contribute to exploitation of animals, (b) would be thrown out otherwise, and (c) that is available outside the food production system.
Pain free animal thesis
Eating animals that do not experience pain will minimize the number of animals harmed in food production.
ObjL we don’t know which animals/insects do and don’t feel pain
a) not eating insects increases harm to animals
b) insects are killed in agri. so not eating them won’t prevent harm to them