Philippine Native 101 Flashcards
Trees Species native in yhe Philppines
Lagerstroemia speciosa
Banaba Tree
Ficus benjamina
Balete / Rubber Tree
Ceuthostoma palawanense
Agoho Palawan
Milletia ahernii
Ahern’s Balok
Albizia acle
Evergreen, insconpicuous (monoecious with females in cones and males in cylindrical stalk-less flowers), winged seed, remedy for diarrhea, beri-beri and sore throat,
Casuarina equisetifolia - Agoho
Evergreen to semi deciduous; simple, opposite, ovate with arome when crushed; panicles, greenish white monoecious flower; small drupe, round, green to deep purple fruit (april to june);
Premma odorata - Alagau
Bauhina malabarica
Evergreen; simple, ovate, spirally greenish lower leaf surface; no petals(female one or two and male up to five woth numerous stamen); lobed capsule, grayish-green leaves
Melanolepis multiglandusa - Alim
Melanolepis multiglandusa
Evergreen; simple ovate, leathery with a considerable variation in shape even along a single shoot leaves; male cones cylimdric-oblong and female cones globose flowers; resin used as material for varnish, paints, aromatherapy,
Agathis philippinensis - Almaciga
Agathis philippinensis
Evergreen; bole erect with contortions trunks (barks ridged and peeling, brown in color); hairy, connected together with leaflets; yellow brown 8-40cm long inflorescence flowers; drupe, round or globular, skin-warty
Dimocarpus longan ssp. malesianus - Alupag
Dimocarpus longan ssp. melasianus
Evergreen; bole cylindrical with short rounded buttresses trunk; odd-pinnate, spirally arranged, glossy dark above, paler green underneath leaves; small, white-yellowish green flowers; drupe, broadly ellipsoid, obtuse at both end,
Koordersiodendron pinnatum - Amugis
Koordersiodendron pinnatum
Trema orientalis
Evergreen; bark smooth to vertically cracked trunk; simple, alternate, broadly ovate to ovate-lanceolate with wavy margin leaves; white to greenish flowers attached to slender lateral branches
Cordia dichotoma - Anonang
Cordia dichotoma
Artocarpus blancoi
Evergreen; dark brown bark or grayish black, inner exudes white latex trunk; simple, alternately arranged, oblong to obovate leaves; tiny blooms, soft, hairy( male pear shaped, female almost spherical) flowers; globose fruit
Artocarpus ovatus - Anubing
Artocarpus ovate
Evergreen; opposite in whorls towards the end of twigs(elliptic or oblong to ovate leaves); white and pink at the base flowers; pale green, elongate, sticky fruit
Pisonia umbellifera - Anuling
Pisonia umbellifera
grey or light yellowish trunk; showy and large, white or cream rose-tinged within, pin-wheeled petals, slightly fragrant flower; nut, smooth, woody, 2 winged and one seed fruit
Dipterocarpus grandifolius - Apitong
Dipterocarpus grandifolius
Arsidia pyramidalis
Acacia confusa
Clerondendron quadriloculare
Bagawak morado
dark green, glossy, simple elliptic to lanceolate (brownish orange to red - young leaves); borne from female cones on upright clusters of green and orange to red when ripe
Gnetum gnemon - Bago
Gnetum gnemon
Eucalyptus deglupta
Inner bark reddish; simple, elliptical to ovate leaves (adult leaves glabrous on both sides); white in terminal or axillary racemes flowers; 5-winged fruit longer than the nut with 3 longer wings and two shorter ones fruits
Parashorea malaanonan - Bagtikan
Pashorea malaanonan
20cm or more heart shaped leaves; capsule, heart-shaped with flattened seeds; good for wind breaking
Reutealis trisperma - Baguilumbang
Reatealis trisperma
Buchanania arborescens
Rough, with deep vertical fissures trunk; lance-like, or ovate-lancelike leaves; flowers bloom after leaves sheds; long capsules, stipulate in groups of 3 to 4 fruits
Salix tetrasperma - Bai bai
Salis tetrasperma
Bai bai
Crateva religiosa
Balai lamok
Ziziphus talanai
Cynomera ramiflora
Nauclea orientalis
Milletia pinnata
Wallaceodendron celebium
Evergreen; smooth grey bark trunk; lanceolate, simple arranged in a spiral with succulent blade, dark green glossy leaves; jasmine-sized fragrant, clustered, showy ivory-white, pink-eyed blooms flowers in whole year; mangostees sized and look-alike with oily seeds that contain cerebin poison, it floats and water-tight fruits
Cerbera manghas - Baraibai
Cerbera manghas
Alstonia macrophylla
Evergreen; outer bark finely fissured and inner bark exudes sticky white sapped trunk; single, oblong-ovate, clustered, smooth in the upper surface, hairy beneath, pointed at both ends leaves; hairy pale white with yellowish sepals borne in rounded clusters flowers; ellipsoid to oblong, brownish with thick, smooth stalks and long, shiny seeds fruits
Madhuca betis - Betis
Antidesma bunius
Antidesma ghaesembilla
Evergreen; small medium sized tree; simple, opposite, obovate-oblong or elliptic, glossy dark green outer surface leaves; pink and creamy white flowers; berry fruit, depressed-globose, supported by a 4-parted calyx, green to yellowish green, glossy, with numerous seeds
Garcinia binucao - Binukau
Garcinia binucao
Binukao / Batwan
Callophyllum inophyllum
Bitaog / Palomaria
Deciduous; bole straight, cylindrical, outer bark grey or grey white, inner bark fibrous pink trunk; pinnately compound, leaflets elongate and acute leaves; small dense panicles flower and bloom at the end of dry season; fleshy drupe fruits in March to October
Garuga floribunda - Bogo
Garuca floribunda
Barringtona asiatica
Gyrocarpus americanus