Smooth muscle relaxers
Flexeril, Skelaxin etc
Medicine for Tumor
Alpha Adrenergic blocking agent
Doxazosine (Cadura)
Calcium channel blocker
Drugs in class: Amlodipine, Nifedipine, Verapamil, Diltiazem, …
Catecholamine synthesis inhibitors
Ask teacher
Control bp for Andrenalectomy by using
Nifedipine (procardia)
Surgical approach
* Anterior Subcostal Midline approach
Exposure to adjacent organ
Patient supine
Indecision 2 finger breadths below the costal Margin
Surgical approach
Surgeon cuts into back
Just beneath rib cage
If both glans are to be removed incision made on each side of the body
Flank approach
Surgeon cuts patient side
Thoraciabdominal Approach (Open)
Incision made through the 8th or 9th intercostal space