Munich Beer Hall Putsch
9 November 1923
Hyperinflation crisis?
November 1923
How long did Eberts coalition last?
November 1918 — February 1919
When was the nazi party officially established as the NSDAP?
24 February 1920
Prince Max of Baden peace note?
3 October 1918
How long was Ebert president for?
February 1919 — February 1925
When was the Ebert-Groener pact?
10 November 1918
Spartacist Revolt?
5 January 1919
Kapp Putsch?
13 March 1920
When was the Weimar Constitution created?
11 August 1919
When did Germany sign the TOV?
28 June 1919
When does Hitler become leader of NSDAP?
July 1921
When was the SA established?
When were the reparations fixed by the allies?
May 1921 - set at 132 billion gold marks
Franco-Belgian occupation of the Ruhr?
11 January 1923 [until 1925]
Murder of Walther Rathenau?
When was Stresemann elected chancellor?
12 August 1923 [until November 1923]
Munich Beer Hall Putsch?
9 November 1923