Phase 1 Exam Flashcards
Juvenile sex offenders often use coercion to keep their victims quiet. True or False
Collaboratively finding specific goals that provide direction best describes which process of M.I.
Focusing Process
High levels of empathy by staff are associated with positive outcomes for youth in our care. True or False
During the Planning Process of MI, it should always involve giving the youth a chance for input. True or False
How many processes are there in Motivational Interviewing?
What are the four processes of Motivational Interviewing?
A. Engaging
B. Focusing
C. Evoking
D. Planning
Ambivalence, according to MI’s definition, means feeling _____ about something at the same time.
Two ways
Motivation is an important multidimensional factor for behavioral changes. True or False
Affirmations help to develop self-efficacy and overcome discouragement. True or False
A collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with particular attention to the language of change is known as _______ interviewing.
Activities that help to meet a youth’s needs both directly and indirectly are known as _______. These are also the 4th MH/SA continuum of care.
The process of developing a treatment plan to decrease symptoms of mental illness or substance abuse and promote health recovery, decision-making is known as what part of the MH/SA continuum of care
A comprehensive MH/SA analysis conducted by a qualified MH/SA professional to determine the presence of a disorder and treatment needs is known as ______
Tools such as the MAYSI, CAT, and SRSI are used during the 1st step of the Mental Health and Substance Abuse continuum of care. This step is called
What are the 4 major functions of the Mental Health and Substance Abuse (MH/SA) continuum of care?
Using alcohol or drugs to the extent they cause problems in a person’s daily activities is called
Substance abuse
A procedure used to determine possible presence of a mental health or substance abuse condition and identify need for further assessment is called a
According to the Skill Pro report writing class, there are four (4) steps to writing reports. What are they?
Organize thoughts
Take notes
Prepare to write
What are the four (4) C’s of report writing?
Name the four (4) ways to describe behaviors objectively
Conclusions/assumptions that depend on perspective of the person who holds them are called
Concrete, observable things that don’t change based on who is viewing are called
What are the four (4) elements of a sentence, according to the Skill Pro Report Writing class?
Complete idea
This is the level of listening in which the person is making no effort to listen or respond to a customer.
Passive listening
Using one’s authority to demand sexual favors as a condition to keeping a job benefit/punish another for refusal
Quid pro quo
The unwanted, unwelcome attention directed toward a person’s sexuality or sexual identity
Sexual harassment
The law that protects health information is called
What does PHI stand for?
Protected Health Information
What is the number to the abuse hotline?
1 800 96 ABUSE
The court proceeding in the juvenile system that is the same as sentencing in the adult system. A judge may impose probation, alternative judicial sanctions, MH/SA treatment, or commitment to a residential commitment program.
Court proceeding in the juvenile system when a youth is formally read the charges and enters a plea of not guilty, no contest, or guilty.
Court proceeding in the juvenile system when a youth is allowed a trial (without a jury) and a judge will determine if youth is guilty or not guilty.
What kind of review gives the court the opportunity to monitor or change sanctions of an existing order?
Judicial review
Making a false statement under oath in a official or unofficial proceeding is the definition of
A report ordered by the court recommending a disposition outcome from the Department for the youth
Pre/Post Disposition Report (PDR)
This type of order is signed by the judge declaring a youth’s status such as home detention, electronic monitoring, secure detention or outright release.
Detention order
What kind of jurisdiction means only one court has control over a particular case?
Exclusive jurisdiction
What kind of jurisdiction is it where a case is first heard?
Original jurisdiction
What court handles cases in Florida?
What are the four levels of courts in Florida?
A crime punishable by a term in county jail not in excess of one year (aka 11/29) is classified as a
A crime punishable by death or life in prison for a sentence that exceeds one year is classified as a
A term established in each circuit, participating with the school district to identify resources for youths returning to the community. This team usually includes representatives from DJJ, case managers from the commitment program, LEOs, educational staff, One Stop Career Center and etc.
Community Re-Entry Team (CRT)
A detention status in which the youth is released to a parent/guardian ie home detention, electronic monitoring, reporting centers or non-secure shelters. There are typically stipulations in place restricting the youth’s movements. It is also referred to in Florida State Statutes as Supervised Release.
Non-Secure Detention
A detention status in which the youth is placed under physical restriction, such as in a jail-like facility (aka detention center).
Secure Detention
A collective body of persons, usually consisting of a child and parents, residing in the same home OR a parent has legal responsibility to support the child; is the definition of___________.
The temporary care of a child in secure or non-secure detention pending a court adjudication/disposition/execution of a court order (per FSS 985.03(18)
Detention care
The initial acceptance of a case; it can begin as a screening at the JAC; on-call;or an affidavit sworn to by LEO sent into a DJJ office, wherein a conference is scheduled. This particular process ends when a petition is not filed by the State Attorney’s Office OR the case goes through the court process and has been disposed.
Intake process
A civil rather than criminal option that allows LEOs an active role in assigning sanctions to youths, providing swift consequences for non-violent, misdemeanor offenses.
Delinquency Citation (formerly called Civil Citation)
Violation of any law of this state or US which is a misdemeanor or felony or violation of county/municipal ordinance, punishable by incarceration if committed by an adult (985.03.53)
Delinquent Act
A person under the age of 18 charged with a violation of law occurring prior to the time that person reached the age of 18years of age, per 985.03.07.
An authorized agent of the Department who performs intake/case management/supervision functions, per 985.03.27.
Juvenile Probation Officer
A division of the Department that handles programs, strategies, initiatives, and networks designed to keep youth from making initial or further contact with the Juvenile Justice system, per 985.03.40.
What are the three (3) levels of residential/commitment programs?
Moderate, High, Maximum
These programs are hardware secure with perimeter security fencing and locking doors. These provide single cell occupancy. There is a demonstrated need to protect the public. These facilities are long term and DO NOT allow access to the public.
Maximum risk residential
These hardware secure programs don’t allow youth access to the public UNLESS it is approved through the court for a family emergency or during the last 60 days in the program (if progress has been made). This access typically can last for up to 72 hours. Youth in this type of facility stay in single cell occupancy. There is a concern for public safety.
High risk residential
Programs at this risk level allow youth to have supervised access to the community. They represent a low-moderate risk. They are either environmentally, staff, or hardwire secure with walls, fencing and locking doors.
Moderate risk residential