Pharyngeal Arches/pouches/clefts Flashcards
What is the nerve of the first pharyngeal arch?
Trigeminal CNV
What is the artery of the first pharyngeal arch?
Maxillary artery
What is the cartilage of the first pharyngeal arch?
Meckels- malleus, incus, mandible
What are the muscles of the first pharyngeal arch?
Muscles of mastication (and ant belly of digastric)
What is the first pharyngeal cleft?
Only one that stays- external acoustic meatus
What are the first pharyngeal pouches?
Eustachian tube, middle ear
What is the nerve of the second pharyngeal arch?
Facial nerve CNVII
What is the cartilage of the second pharyngeal arch?
Reicherts cartilage
What are the muscles of the second pharyngeal arch?
Muscles of facial expression and post. Belly of digastric
What comes from the reicherts cartilage and which pharyngeal arch is it from?
Stapes, lesser horn of hyoid bone, styloid process of temporal bone, stylohyoid ligament. Second pharyngeal arch
What is from the second pharyngeal pouch?
Middle ear, palatine tonsil
What is the nerve of the third pharyngeal arch?
Glossopharyngeal CNIX
What is the artery of the third pharyngeal arch?
Internal carotid artery
What are the cartilage(s) of the third pharyngeal arch?
Greater horn of hyoid
What muscle(s) are derived from the third pharyngeal arch?