pharyngeal apparatus Flashcards
First arch Nerve
(a) Maxillary and mandibular nerves
(b) Chorda tympani nerve
First arch Muscles
Muscles of mastication mylohyoid
anterior belly of digastric, tensor veli palatini
tensor tympani
First arch Skeleton
zygomatic bone,
part of temporal bone, Meckel’s cartilage,
1st arch Ligaments
Anterior ligament of malleus, sphenomandibular ligament
First arch artery
Maxillary artery
Second arch Nerve
Facial nerve
2nd arch muscles
Muscles of facial expression posterior belly of digastric stylohyoid
2nd arch bone
-Stapes(fr Reichert’s cartilage)
-styloid process,
-lesser cornu of the hyoid bone,
-upper part of body of the hyoid bone
2nd arch lig
Stylohyoid ligament
Second arch artery
Hyoid and stapedial arteries
Third arch nerve
Glossopharyngeal nerve
3rd arch Muscles
3rd arch bone
Greater cornu
lower part of body of the hyoid bone
Fourth arch artery
(a) Aortic arch (on the left side)
(b) Subclavian artery (on the right side)
Fourth and sixth arches nerves
Superior laryngeal branch of vagus nerve (nerve of fourth arch)
Recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus nerve (nerve of sixth arch)