Pharmacy Operations Flashcards
How many members serve on the state board of pharmacy, and how long is each term of service?
11 members 4 years (2 term maximum)
How many public members (non-pharmacists) and how many pharmacist members serve on the board of pharmacy?
4 public members
1 pharmacy technician
6 pharmacists
What is the name of the agency that issues pharmacist licenses?
Department of licensing and regulatory affairs (LARA)
What is the minimum age to become a licensed pharmacist?
18 years old
What exams are required for pharmacist licensure?
How long does a pharmacist have to notify the board of a change in name or home address?
No more than 30 days after the change occurs
What are the CPE requirements for pharmacists (e.g., how many hours per renewal period, how long is the renewal period, are live hours required, any specific CPE topic requirements)?
30 hours CE per renewal period
Biennial license renewal (every other year)
no carry-over of credit is allowed
10 hours must be live CE
1 hour has to be on pain and symptom management
How often is the pharmacist license renewed?
Biennial license renewal (every other year)
If a pharmacist’s license lapses, what action can be taken to reinstate the license?
License lapsed for less than 3 years
1) Apply for re-licensure on MiPLUS
2) Submit proof of 30 hours CPE (at least 1 hour pain management and 10 hours of live courses) within the last 2 years
License lapsed 3-8 years
1) Same as license lapsed less than 3 years PLUS
2) Within 6 months of applying for re-licensure, complete a practical pharmacy experience program (at least 200 hours)
License lapsed more than 8 years
1) Same as license lapsed for less than 3 years PLUS
2) Within 6 months of applying for re-licensure, complete a practical pharmacy experience programs (at least 400 hours)
What are the requirements to serve as a pharmacist preceptor?
1) A pharmacist must have at least one year of practice to be approved as a preceptor
2) Submit application for preceptor specialty in MiPLUS
Do individuals need to submit fingerprints to register as an intern?
Are interns required to have a criminal background check?
When does an intern license expire?
After 5 years
How many intern hours are required?
1600 hours
What type of intern hours are required?
Professional and practical experience must include all of the following areas:
1) Pharmacy administration and management
2) Drug distribution, use, and control
3) Legal requirements
4) Providing health information services and advising patients
5) Pharmacist’s ethical and professional responsibilities
6) Drug and product information
What is the ratio of interns for each pharmacist in a community/hospital setting?
2 interns to 1 pharmacist
Are there permitted conditions in which the number of interns per pharmacist can increase?
What is the minimum age to become a pharmacy technician?
Age is not specified, but in order to receive a technician license, an individual must have graduated from an accredited high school or have a GED
Do technicians have to be licensed or registered?
What exams or certifications are required for all technicians?
A pharmacy technician must pass an examination given by one of the following:
1) Pharmacy technician certification board
2) National health career association
3) Any other nationally recognized and administered certification examination approved by the board
4) An employer-based training program examination that is approved by the board
Are there different levels of pharmacy technicians based on certification or training?
Is there a maximum pharmacist-technician supervision ratio?
What organization operates the impaired pharmacist recovery program?
The health professional recovery program (HPRP)
This program is administered through a contract with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Professional Licensing
What healthcare professionals can enroll in the states impaired pharmacist recovery program?
Health care professionals who are applying for or are actively licensed, registered, or certified by a licensing board are eligible to participate. This includes the board of pharmacy licensees (i.e, pharmacists, pharmacy interns, and technicians)
Can a healthcare professional self-enroll in the impaired pharmacist recovery program?
Are mail-order pharmacy’s hours and/or toll-free number required to be listed on the prescription container labeling?
Are mail-order pharmacies required to be open for a defined number of days and hours per week?
What is the name of the inspection or assessment forms used by pharmacists?
self-inspection form
Who is required to complete the pharmacy inspection or assessment form and how often does it need to be completed?
The form must be completed the the person who applies for a new pharmacy license or pharmacy relocation
Is the pharmacy inspection or assessment form sent to the board or kept at the pharmacy (if kept at the pharmacy, for how long)?
The form is completed when applying for a new pharmacy license or pharmacy relocation and is sent to the board with the application
Are licenses required to be displayed in public view?
Yes, it should be displayed in the licensee’s principal place of business
What are the space and/or equipment requirements for a pharmacy (e.g, pharmacy size, hot/cold water, compounding equipment, references)?
1) At least 150 square feet
2) A prescription counter with at least 10 square feet of free working surface for one pharmacist. The free working space must be increased by 4 square feet for every additional pharmacist on duty at one time
3) Pharmacies that occupy less than the entire are of the premises must be permanently enclosed by securely lockable partitions from the floor to the ceiling
What are the signage requirements for pharmacies?
Community pharmacists are required to post a notice to consumers about prescription drug pricing
What are the advertising limitations for pharmacies?
A compounding pharmacy may advertise or otherwise promote the fact that they provide compounding services
Within how many days must a change of pharmacy address or name be reported to the board?
Address: No later than 30 days after the change occurs
Name: Timeframe not addressed by the board, name changes are submitted on the MiPLUS website
Within how many days must a pharmacy notify the board that there has been a change in the pharmacist in charge?
No later than 30 days after the change occurs
What requirements are there for emergency kits in long-term care facilities or other institutional facilities (e.g, who refills the kit, what time frame must the kit be filled)?
Emergency kits are referred to as “emergency drug boxes” in Michigan
1) Drug boxes must be inspected at least weekly by the pharmacy to determine if they have expired or have been opened
2) The pharmacy stocks the drug box and a pharmacist must seal the drug box with a nonreusable, tamper-evident seal
Are there permissible pharmacist breaks or a maximum break duration?
During a pharmacist break, does a sign need to be posted that the pharmacist is not on duty?
What intern/technician functions can be done without the presence of a pharmacist?
None. The one exception is a technician working for a remote pharmacy in which case the pharmacist is not physically onsite
What are the limitations on medication delivery (by couriers, pharmacy employees or by kiosk)?
The medication delivery of a controlled substance is a felony under Michigan law
Are there any limitation on drive-up windows?