Pharmacotherapeuties: Intro to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics Flashcards
What is “pharmacokinetics”?
How the body acts on the drug.
The study of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of a drug.
Describes the relationship between dose and response.
Used to determine a rational population dosing regimen which will include age and disease-specific recommendations.
What is “pharmacodynamics”?
How the drug acts on the body.
The relationship between the concentration of a drug at the site of action and the size or magnitude of it’s effect.
Mechanism of action… It studies the mechanism of action and the physiological effects of the drug.
Receptor concept… Receptors are thought to play an important role as to how a drug interacts with the body.
Explain “GI absorption”.
When an extravascular (oral, rectal, etc) drug is taken it will be absorbed by the GI tract.
Weak acids will absorb more rapidly in low pH and bases will absorb more rapidly at high pHs.
For example, the stomach is acidic and acid drugs are unionized in the stomach and they will have an increased absorption. Unionized drugs can cross barriers easer than ionized dugs therefore ionized drugs are more rapidly absorbed than unionized drugs.
The amount of time that the drug takes to be absorbed will depend on the dosage of the formulation.
Explain passage into systemic circulation.
Passage is affected by:
-Concentration gradients- higher at administration site; the drug will move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration in an attempt to make all areas equal.
- membrane surface area (passive diffusion)- the larger the area, the faster the passive diffusion will take place
- drug permeability (size, lipophilicity, charge)- unionized drugs can cross barriers and are more rapidly absorbed than ionized drugs; weak acids absorb quicker at lower pH and weak bases absorb more quickly at high pH.
- blood flow- facilitates diffusion and passage of drugs through membranes; areas of high blood flow will have a greater passage for diffusion.
protein-binding- drugs not protein-bound can passively pass through membranes; high or unbound fractions of the drug allow for greater passage through membranes
What is “distribution”?
Movement of a drug from one area in the body to another.
It is reversible.
Once a drug is absorbed it needs to be distributed by systemic circulation otherwise there would be no effect; it would sit there and do nothing.
Can be categorized in to “Rate of distribution” and “extent of distribution”.
What is “rate of distribution”?
The speed by which a drug exits one body area and enters another.
Affected by:
-Tissue perfusion: well-perfused areas will have rapid drug take-up. If a drug is able to cross a membrane easily, it’s rate of membrane penetration is only limited by the rate of transportation; for example, areas with
-Blood flow-well-perfused tissues will ahve rapid drug take-up and drugs will also distribute out of these tissues more rapidly.
What is “extent of distribution”?
Ultimately, where the drug goes.
“Unbound” or “free” drugs are normally transported through cell membranes where they exert their effect.
Albumin binds to acidic drugs.
Acid-glycoprotein (AAG) binds to basic drugs
Protein-binding plays a role in the extent of distribution, there are 2 general mechanisms that can change the degree of protein-landing:
1) Involves changes in plasma protein concentrations: if the plasma protein concentration is increased, there will be more binding sites available; this leads to less free drugs as a result and results in less drug effect and vice versa.
A lower plasma concentration ultimately leads to an increase of drug effect because there is now more free drug.
2) Changing of binding affinity- if binding affinity is decreased then there will be less bound drug and more free drug leading to an increased drug effect or toxicity.
It is affected by:
What is “extent of distribution”?
Tissue binding
- extensive binding can lead to drug tissue concentrations much high than plasma concentrations
- such binding usually occurs with proteins of phospholipids
Molecular weight
- large, hydrophilic molecules do not crass membranes easily
- the distribution of very large hydrophilic molecules (such as proteins) is limited to extracellular spaces due to their size and polarity restricting movement throughout the body
Free drug concentration (what actually has what we call “pharmacological effect”) is more closely related to pharmacologic activity than is the total drug concentration.
What is “volume of distribution”?
Balance between plasma and tissue-binding
Highly plasma protein-bound drugs have small volumes of distribution because the drug is trapped in plasma. So if a drug is highly bound by plasma proteins the drug will be trapped in the plasma and will not be able to distribute out; the measured concentration of the drug in the plasma will be high and the drug will have a small apparent volume of distribution.
Highly tissue-bound drugs have large volumes of distribution because the drug is pulled from plasma. If a drug is bound by tissue then it will be pulled from the plasma and distributed out; the measured concentration of the drug in the plasma will be decreased and the drug will have a large apparent volume of distribution.
If drugs are highly bound to plasma proteins and to tissue, the volume of distribution will depend on whichever binding site dominates.
What is “elimination”?
The process of removing drug from the body.
Changes in drug concentration after distribution is a result of removal of drug from the body.
There are 2 processes of elimination:
1) Metabolism
2) Excretion
Explain “metabolism”.
Converts drug from parent molecule to chemical derivatives.
Metabolized drugs are broken down into metabolites and then excreted.
Not all drugs are metabolized
-excreted as parent compound or “excreted unchanged”
What are the sites of metabolism?
Metabolism provides a mechanism for removing undesirable, foreign compounds from the body.
Metabolism can produce compounds that are inactive or the process can produce compounds that are pharmacologically active or toxic.
The liver is the primary site of metabolism; the liver metabolizes drugs in to polar metabolites which allow the kidneys to eliminate them.
Other sites of metabolism (aside from the liver= extrahepatic) include:
- intestine
- kidney
- lung
- skin
What are the “phases of metabolism”?
Phase 1
- either add a polar group or an un-marked one; is the resulting molecules are highly polar it can be excreted
- phase 1 reactions can lead to inactive or active products
- oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis
- involves p-450
- conversion of lipophilic molecules to polar molecules
- involve OH or NH2 groups
- CYP 3A4 involved in metabolism of 50% of drugs (1A2, 2C9, 2C9T, 2C6, and 2E1 are also important enzymes in drug metabolism)
Phase 2 (Conjugation Reactions)
- usually involves functional group from phase I reaction; basically stage II reactions result in larger inactive molecules
- addition of glucuronic acid, sulfuric acid, acetic acid or an amino acid to make more polar molecules
- the kidneys can excrete these highly polar molecules
What factors affect drug metabolism?
When an enzyme is inhibited the response is faster than when it is induced because it takes more time because we have to wait for new enzymes to be made.
- inhibition of enzymes: quick occurrence (quick onset)
- induction of enzymes: slower response (slow onset)
- species
- disease states
- dosage and route of administration (oral routes undergo fast-pass metabolism whereas other routes bypass first-pass metabolism also by increasing the dose you can increase the concentration leading to saturated metabolic pathways… In acetaminophen overdose, the congestion pathway is saturated and hepatotoxicity can occur)
- nutritional status (low protein leads to amino acid deficiencies which can result in decreased oxidation reactions)
- age (children have not fully developed their metabolic pathways; elderly have declined metabolic capabilities therefore slower drug elimination= increased plasma drug levels)
- gender (in some cases women may metabolize drugs faster than men (for example, diazepam and tylenol)
Explain the link genetics and metabolism.
- differences in functional enzymes–> they have an effect on metabolisms
- acetylation rates: determined by amounts of N-acetyltransferase (fast accelerators vs. slow accelerators)
Genetics will play a role in the metabolism in some meds.
What is “P-Glycoprotein”?
A membrane transport protein.
Transports molecules across extra and intra cellular membranes.
It is an efflux mechanism (uses ATP)–> can act as a defence against harmful compounds; basically can prevent drug accumulation.
Can be induced in disease states or with drug exposure.
Found in the kidneys, liver, intestines, BBB, testes, and placenta.
Removes toxins from cells and into the urine, bile, and intestinal lumen.
What is “excretion”?
Removal of drugs and their metabolites from the tissues, circulation, and other fluids.
Drugs can be excreted as metabolites or as unchanged drugs.
Polar and hydrophilic= efficient excretion; lipophilic compounds need to be metabolized to more polar compounds before we can actually excrete them effectively.
The kidneys are the most important organs of excretion; renal excretion involves glomerular filtration, tubular secretion, and tubular filtration
Other routes of excretion:
- bile
- feces (compounds excreted in feces are mostly unabsorbed)
- saliva
- tears
- breast milk
- exhaled breath
What is “clearance”?
The total rate of elimination of a drug from all processes
Total systemic clearance is basically equal to HEPATIC CLEARANCE + RENAL CLEARANCE + ALL THE “OTHER” CLEARANCES
Factors affecting hepatic clearance:
- renal blood flow
- molecular weight of drug
- plasma protein binding
- affinity of drug secretory transport mechanisms
- ability of drug to cross membranes
- urine flow rate
Explain “renal clearance”.
Processes in the kidney
- glomerular filtration
- tubular secretion (active)
- tubular reabsorption (passive)
Estimate of GFR–> see PPT notes
Explain the connection of age of ADME.
- not small adults!
- higher stomach pH (6-8 in peads, only 1-3 in adults (children will not have same pH until 3-7 years old) which will affect absorption of many drugs–> the absorption of weak bases is increased and the absorption of acids is decreased)
- slower and unpredictable gastric emptying
- BBB less developed; at risk for adverse effects; can be advantageous if trying to get across BBB but should also take caution if you want to avoid some CNS effects
- altered prt binding (less proteins and albumin)
- lower liver activity (less phase I reactions)
- lower renal excretion due to decreased renal function
- increased percutaneous infusion due to thin skin layers
- increased volume of distribution of hydrophilic drugs and decreased volume of distribution of lipophilic drugs
- less gastric acid secretion (increased gastric pH will increase the absorption of weak bases and decrease the absorption of weak acids)
- decreased blood flow to the gut
- decreased total body water and lean muscle= less cardiac output and tissue perfusion= slower diffusion
- increased adipose tissue
- decreased hepatic mass and blood flow
- decreased phase I reactions leading to an increase in phase I metabolites and may get unwanted side effects
What is the “dose response curve”?
Drug effect proportional to concentration up to a point.
Maximum effect is reached when the system can no longer produce more response.
Each test subject can produce their own curve.
What is the “drug effect as a function of time”?
-MEC= minimum effective concentration
Used to describe what a therapeutic window is so drug affect is proportional to the concentration up to a point so the max effect is reached when the system can no longer produce more response
The therapeutic window= dose required to have a desired effect without having an unwanted side effect; you want to stay in the window, if you go below the window you will not get the affect and if you go above the window you may experience toxicity… You want to be around where 50% of the population is getting an effect
Onset of effect: time to reach MEC
Duration of effect: length of time concentration is above MEC
Magnitude: proportional to # of receptors taken up by drug to a maximum effect
EC50= the effect of concentration for 50% of the maximum response in the test group
LC= the lethal concentration for 50% of the test group
What is “half life”?
t 1/2= time for half the drug to be removed
Plotted on log paper
Basically we need to recognize that it’s going to take time to get an effect
Remember if you double the dose, it only gives you about one more half life
Each half life, half of the drug becomes removed
On log paper, the line would be straight and the steeper the line the faster the drug is eliminated; the less steep the more slowly it is eliminated.
Takes 4-5 t 1/2 to essentially remove drug from the plasma.
What is “IV infusion and steady state”?
Steady state plasma concentration (Cp) occurs when rate of infusion= rate of elimination.
Steady state is within 95% of Css in most cases.
Since the input is consistent, it is the output that determines the length of time to reach steady state (that’s with IV because it’s constantly being given, therefore we need the output of the drug to determine the steady state)
The elimination rate will increase as the plasma concentration rate increases and eventually the drug being infused is equal to the amount of drug that the body is getting rid of… That is steady sate!
Plasma concentration declines after infusion has stopped therefore it takes 4 1/2-5 half lives to reach steady state.
The concentration of the plasma will rise as the rate of infusion increases then the elimination rate in the beginning; that’s why the curve inclines… Once the infusion has stopped, the plasma concentrations will decrease.
Infusion rate is constant.
Once infusion is stopped, the plasma concentration will decline.
Explain “multiple IV dosing”.
With repeated doses, steady state plateaus in 4-5 half times.
If the drug is increased but the timing is the same, the plasma will be higher but it will take 4 1/2-5 half times to reach the steady state.
If one keeps the dose the same, but shortens the timing, then the plasma will be higher but it will still take 4 1/2-5 half times to reach steady state.
What is “first order kinetics”?
Constant % of drug is eliminated per unit of time.
Half life can be calculated.
Concentration steady state (Css) is reached after 4 1/2 - 5.
It is graphed as a straight line on log paper.
What is “zero order kinetics”?
Non linear, dose dependant kinetics.
Drugs that display dose dependant kinetics are drugs that are first order at lower doses and zero order at high doses therefore the kinetics are what we call dose dependant.
Constant amount of drug lost per unit of time.
The half time is not constant and the Css (Concentration steady state) is not predictable. The T1/2 changes as the concentration declines. The higher the T1/2, the longer the half life.
Graphed as a straight line on regular graph paper.
For example, aspirin, phenytoin, and ethanal.
Take-home point= be careful when you adjust the dose.