Pharmacology of Antidepressant Drugs Flashcards
List the three major categories of drugs use in the treatment of depression
Uptake inhibitors, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and atypical agents
Describe the neurochemical characteristics and adverse effects of TCAs.
TCAs: mixed 5-HT and NE uptake inhibition
Adverse effects: Anticholinergic activity, moderate a adrenergic blockade, antihistamine activity, class IA antiarrhythmic-like activity (blockade of cardiac Na+ channels, potential serotonin syndrome
Describe the neurochemical characteristics and adverse effects of reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs, SNRIs and NRIs).
SSRIs, SNRIs and NRIs (second generation uptake inhibitors)- not as problematic in overdose; No anticholinergic activity, a-adrenergic blockade, antihistamine acitivity
Adverse effects: Concern for serotonin syndrome: hyperthermia, flushing, GI disturbances, myoclonus and diaphroresis
Describe the neurochemical characteristics and adverse effects of MAOI.
MAOI: inhibit the metabolism of 5-HT, DA and NE (brain isoform MAO-B, gut MAO-A) Act as covalent inhibitors and so effects persist after leave blood stream
Adverse effects: DC 2-3 before sympathomimetics and avoid tyramine containing foods
List benefits of newer uptake inhibitors compared to first generation agents.
Second generation uptake inhibitors have low/no anticholinergic activity, a-adrenergic, antihistamine, no antiarrhythmic like activity and produce only minor problems in overdose
List conditions other than depression for which antidepressant drugs are also useful.
- – Anxiety disorders (SSRI, TCA, MAOI): PTSD, OCD, social anxiety, generalized anxiety, panic disorder
- – Pain disorder (SNRIs, TCA): neuropathic pain, postherpetic neuralgia, phantom limb pain
- – premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (SSRIs)
- – Smoking cessation (buproprion, nortiphytriptyline)
- – Eating disorders (SSRIS)
- – Eneuresis (TCAs)
Describe the risk associated with antidepressant treatment in a person with bipolar
Antidepressants can precipitate mania or hypomania in bipolar patients
Describe the clinical presentation, course and risks of serotonin syndrome and contrast it with neuroleptic malignant syndrome
too much serotonergic activity cause serotonin syndrome include: clonus, hyperreflexia, hyperthermia, tachycardia, altered mental state
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is caused by DA blocking includes: slow onset over days, extrapyramidal symptoms and rigidity
Name the class, pharmalogical distinction and adverse effects of prototype serteraline.
SSRI: 5-HT uptake inhibitor, weak effects on NE, DA and no affinity for adrenergic, cholinergic, GABA, DA, H or 5-HT receptors
Adverse effects: Dizziness, somnolence, fatigue, NVD, ED, palpitations
Inhibits CYP2D6, long half-life
Caution with MAOI, serotonergic agents, avoid sudden DC and hepatic disease
Discuss the following SSRIs and their salient features:
Citalopram: clean, only 5-HT activity
Escitalopram: clean, only 5-HT activity
Fluoxetine: activity at 5-HT receptors and on 5-HT, NE and DA transporters
Name the class, pharmalogical distinction and adverse effects of prototype venlafaxine.
SNRI: Inhibits 5-HT uptake more than NE uptake
anticholinergic effects on CNS, CV, GI, UG and hypercholestrolemia
caution with MAOI, dementia, psychosis, tardive dyskinesia or excessive tremor, peptic ulcers or sympthomimetics
Name the class, pharmalogical distinction and adverse effects of prototype Nortriptyline.
How is this drug different from Amitriptyline?
2nd line tx of depression TCA, a metabolite of amitriptyline with H1, a1, and 5-HT receptors and 5-HT, NE transporters
adverse effects include anti-muscarinic activity
Name the class, pharmalogical distinction and adverse effects of prototype Imipramine.
How is this drug different from Desipramine?
2nd line tx of depression TCA, a metabolite of Desipramine, inhibits 5-HT more than NE and blocks at ACh receptors
adverse effects: significant anticholinergic effects
caution with Cardiac disease, MAOI, blood
dyscrasias, hepatic disease (CYP2D6) and sensitize skin, avoid serotonergic agents and watch LFT
Name the class, pharmalogical distinction and adverse effects of prototype Selegiline.
MAOI- B selective acting as a irreversible inhibitor, preventing metabolism of DA, used in treatment of Parkinson’s and off-label for depression
Adverse effects: Anxiety, confusion, insomnia and mania, orthostatic hypertension, hypertension and arrhythmias, pain, NVD
caution with MAOI, Dementia, psychosis, tardive dyskinesia or excessive tremor, peptic ulcers, sympathomimetics
Name the class, pharmalogical distinction and adverse effects of prototype Tranylcypromine.
MAOI, 2nd line depression med for patients unresponsive to tx., effective in refractory anxiety disorders, quick action as non-selective, irreversible inhibitor of MAO, increases NE, 5-HT, DA and epi
Adverse effects: sympathomimtic effects: HTN, agitation, insomnia, tachycardia, mydriass, diaphoresis, tremor, aggressiveness, urinary retention
caution with CV and hepatic problems, pheochromocytoma, concern with radio- contrast (seizures) and DM