Pharmacology Flashcards
skeletal muscle relaxant
blocks impulses (pain, etc) sent to brain
caution during ambulation
intended for short-term use only
contra: AVOID if MAO
magnesium sulfate
magnesium 5-8 mg/dL
anticonvulsant, CNS depressant
for seizures
promotes smooth muscle relaxation
if IV, close monitoring of toxicity (antidote: CALCIUM GLUCONATE)
S/E: absent DTR, respiratory paralysis
contra: heart block, myocardial damage
potassium sparing diuretic for HTN
blocks Na reabsorption, thus saving K and H from excretion
promotes fluid balance and control HTN
S/E: HYPERKALEMIA, hyponatremia
1st line antituberculosis
S/E: reddish-orange body fluids, vision changes, hepatotoxicity, hepatitis
monitor liver fxn, avoid soft contact lenses, if using hormonal contraception suggest barrier contraceptive
iron supplement
treat deficiency anemia
monitor H and H
use straw for liquid form to avoid STAINING
take with food to reduce GI effects
medication dosage calculation
do not round final answer
desired/available x quantity = x
typical (POS+ s/s) antipsychotic for schizo
S/E: EXTRAPYRAMIDAL rxns (Parkinsonianism-tremors, dystonia-involunary movements, akathisia-restlessness, tardive dyskinesia-tongue protrusion)
harmless pink to red-brownish urine
wean off
monitor for neuroleptic malignant syndrome
narcotic opioid analgesic
S/E: hypoTN, sedation
hydroxyzine is an antihistamine and antipyretic
monitor for RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION, dependence, intake/output, bowel patterns
digoxin: infant
Lanoxin (0.5-2 mg/dL)
cardiac glycoside
decrease HR and increase contraction force
hold if infant’s HR 90-110
RARELY receive 1mL (50mcg, 0.05mg) of digoxin dose
give 1 hr before or 2 hrs after feeding (s/s toxicity: poor feeding, vomitting)
S/E: bradycardia, dysrhythmias
medication admin
med, dose, client, route, time, and documentation
Tegretol (5-12 mcg/mL)
anticonvulsant, BIPOLAR
for seizures, pain (trigeminal neuralgia and diabetic neuropathy)
do not take if hx of bone marrow suppression
S/E: myelosuppression, skin rash
beta-adrenergic blocker
for HTN, dysrhythmia, angina
block sympathetic impulses
S/E: bradycardia, heart failure take pulse, w/ meals, blood glucose (med induces hypoglycemia)
transfusion reactions
allergic (hypersensitivity to donor antibodies, fever, anaphylactic shock)
hemolytic (incompatibility, N/V, pain in lower back, hypoTN)
febrile (antibodies to donor platelets or leukocytes: fever, chills, N/V, headache)
remain w/ pt for first 15 mins within 50 ml of transfusion
insulin: intermediate acting
Humulin NPH for hypoglycemia
withdraw clear before cloudy (short acting Regular before intermediate Humulin NPH acting)
administration: eye medication
eye drop: from the side, hold dropper above conjunctival sac, don’t allow dropper to touch cornea
eye ointment: ointment along inner edge of lower eyelid from inner cantus to other, rub closed eye in circular motion unless contraindicated or not necessary
intraocular discs: concave side up to fingertip, pull lower eyelid down, apply disc concave side against sclera, position lower eyelid over disc, and disc should be below iris under the lower eyelid
(inflammation of mouth, lips, tongue, and mucous membranes)
common with chemotherapy
monitor pts undergoing chemo for stomatitis
acetylsalicyclic acid
salicylate analgesic, antipyretic, antiinflammatory, antirheumatic, antiplatelet
S/E: bleeding, heartburn, SALICYLISM (tinnitus, urtcaria, anaphylactic shock)
monitor for tinnitus
don’t give to children - Reye’s syndrome
IV flow rate
micro 60gtt/mL
macro 10 15 20 gtt/mL
1st line antituberculosis
S/E: peripheral neuritis, neurotoxicity, hepatoxicity/hepatitis, hyperglycemia, vision changes
administer B6 to prevent PERIPHERAL NEURITIS, monitor liver fxn, monitor tingling/numbness, mental status, avoid tyramine-containing foods
isosorbide dinitrate
nitrate vasodilator for angina
decrease preload and after load
reduce myocardial oxygenation consumption
S/E: orthohypoTN, flushing, dry mouth under tongue
5-10 min intervals with maximum dose of 3
Oleptro, Desyrel
atypical antidepressant
S/E: frequent and intense sedation, hypoTN, photosensitivity, bone marrow depression, priapism
fall preventive measures
metallic taste
anticoagulant (partial thromboplastin time, 1.5-2.5)
prevents THROMbin from converting to fibrinogen to fibrin
prevents thromboembolism leave needle for 10 secs, do not massage injection site, observe for bleeding, do not aspirate
S/E: hemorrhage, thrombocytopenia
atypical (NEG- s/s) antipsychotic for schizo
monitor for neuroleptic malignant syndrome
S/E: EXTRAPYRAMIDAL rxns (Parkinsonianism-tremors, dystonia-involunary movements, akathisia-restlessness, tardive dyskinesia-tongue protrusion)
harmless pink to red-brownish urine
wean off