Pharmacoepidemiology Flashcards
Define epidemiology and pharmacoepidemiology
Pharmacoepidemiology- study of therapeutic effects, risk, and use of drugs in populations.
- Merge clinical pharmacology (drug exposure and individual effects) and epidemiology (risk factors for disease in populations)
Describe the role of pharmacoepidemiology in QUM
Can use RCTs in clinical phase to check safety and efficacy and post-approval phase to determine effectiveness
limitations: short duration, small sample size, narrow population (excludes young women, children, elderly), and limited comparison groups (placebo)
Assess risk, patterns of drug utilisation, cost-effectiveness, efficacy.
Describe host-agent-environmental model of public health
Host= recipient of causative agent of disease
Agent= cause of disease, risk factors.
Environment= condition affecting survival and transmission of causative agent
define incidence and prevalence
Incidence- measure of new cases of a disease over a period of time. consider new cases.
Cumulative incidence- number of new cases within a specified time period divided by size of population initially at risk
Prevalence- number of people with a disease at one time. new and old cases. measures burden of disease.
define DDD and average PDD
Define daily dose
- Assumed average maintenance dose for indication. Measure drug over/under usage.
- DDD’s per 1000 people per day. Hospital= DDDs per 100 bed
DDD= total amount of drug / amount of drug in a DDD
Prescribed daily dose
- Validate DDDs. Average dose prescribed obtained from a sample of scripts.
Role of pharmacoepidemiology in drug regulation
Early communication for an ongoing safety review.
e.g. TGA is still evaluating drug safety data and is yet to reach a conclusion.
Public health advisories - provide safety information recommendations to avoid or minimise harm from a medicine
Letters to healthcare professionals- e.g. hydroxychloroquine in covid-19
medical affairs
Define endemic
Disease is present in community at all times but in low-frequency. e.g. chicken pox in young school children
Define epidemic
sudden outbreak in region or group.
e.g. AIDs in IV drug users
Define pandemic
epidemic becomes widespread and affects whole region, continent, or global spread.
e.g. global outbreak of covid-19
Types of pharmacoepidemiological studies
Clinical trials
Observational studies- case report, case series, cross sectional, case control, cohort studies.