Pharmacodynamics Flashcards
study of biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and their mechanisms of action
deals with the absorption, distribution and metabolism and excretion of drugs.
Clinical pharmacology
study of the use of drugs in the prevention and treatment of disease
use of drugs to treat disease
drugs that act on DNA instead of proteins
anti tumor, anti microbial, mutagenic and carcinogenic agents.
functions of ion channels
neurotransmission, cardiac conduction, muscle contraction and secretion.
voltae gated ion channels
conductance is regulated by changes in the membrane potential.
example- local anesthetics, block voltage gated sodium channels preventing propagation of pain perception.
Ligand gated ion channels
the conductance is controlled by ligand binding to the channel. The ligand can be either an extracellula mediator (neurotransmitter ACH, GABA, aspartate, glutamate ) or intracellular mediator ( Ca, cAMP, cGMP
examples, benzodiazepines, bind to GABAa receptor in neuronal membranes. This normally functions as a chloride ion channel and is activated by inhibitory GABA. when you use GABAa it will enhance the opening of the channel, hyperpolarizing the neuron.
examples of G Protein linked receptors
Albuterol- Beta 2 aganoist for astham
Propranolol- Beta antagonist used for hypertension
Bethanechol, muscarinc agonist used for atonic bladder
Ipratropium, muscarinc antagonist used for asthma
Alpha subunit characteristics
has bound GDP, when hormone binds it undergoes a conformational change dissociates fromt eh Beta gama subunit by exchanging GDP for GTP. can diffuse along the membrane and interact with targets located on teh plasma membrane. The time it remains dissociated from Beta and gama subunits and available to act depends on when the Alpha subunit uses its GTPase actived to hydrolye GTP to GDP which shuts down the unit.
Targets of G protein subunits
Ion channels- don’t involve second messenger
Membrane bound enzymes- leads to production of sedcond messengers
Gs protein effectors
activates adenylyl cyclase
Gi protein
inhibits adenylyl cyclase
opens K+ channels
Closes Ca+ channels
Gq protein
Activates Phospholipase C
Phospholipase C catalyzes formation of
IP3 and DAG
Adenylyl cyclase catalyzes the formation of
- -mobilzation of stored energy by breaking down carbs in liver and TAG in fat through Beta 2 and Beta 3 adrenoreceptors
- -Increases rate and contraction force of heart muscle- mediated by Beta 1 adrenoreceptors
- -relaxes smooth muscle- mediated by Beta 2 adrenoreptors.
Activates protein Kinase A which phosphorylates other proteins
activity depends on which substrates of kinase expressed n different cells
Action terminated by Phosphatases and is degraded to 5 AMP by phosphodiesterases(PDE)
IP3 Inositol-1,4,5- Triphosphate
membrane bound enzyme,
Phospholipase C-Beta hydrolyzes Phosphatidylinositol-4,5 bisphosphate (PIP2) into diacylglycerol (DAG) and IP3
triggers the release of Calcium from ER, Elevated Calcium promotes binding of calmodulin which regulates enzymes like calcium dependent protein kinases.
pharmacologically important cellular responses-
- smooth muscle contraction
- increased force of contraction in cardiac muscle
- secretion of exocrine glands
- neurotransmitter release from neurons
- Hormone release
Termination is caused by dephosphorylation of IP3.
congined to membrane where it along with Calcium activates Protien kinase C(PKC which cuases phosphyrlation)
Dag is terminated by being phosphorylated to phosphatidic acid which is converted back to phospholipids or it is deacylated to give aracidonic acid
Tyrosine Kinases(ligand regulated transmembrane enzyme)
includes insulin receptor, EFGR (epidermal growth factor receotpr, PDGFR (platelet derived Growth Factor) and NGFR (nerve growth factor
the binding of molecules to the receptor causes two receptor molecules to come together in the plasma membrane forming a dimer. Contact activates their kinase and one phosphorylates the other. This triggers a signaling complex on the receptor tails where the phosphorylated tyrosines serve as binding sites for several proteins which are activated by it. these proteins lead to activation of signal transduction pathways such as MAP kinase which regulate gene expression
Can lead to gain of function mutations
imatinib is an example and treats chronic myelogenous leukemia
Cytokine receptors
Group of peptide ligands, include growth hormone, prolactin, erythropoeietin and interferons
the protein tyrosine kinase activity is not an intrinsic receptor molecule , the intracellular domain binds to an intracellular tyrosone kinase from the JAK family
they dimerize upon binding to an activating ligand leading to activation of the bound JAK which then phosphorylate tyrosine residues on the receptor.
Also phosphorylate STAT that dimerize and translocate to the nucleus to regulate genes.
Intracellular receptors
these are gene regulatory enzymes or structural proteins
Gene regulatory proteins
receptors for steroid, vitamin D and Thyroid hormones. they are gene regulatory. they stimulate transcription of genes by binding to DNA sequences called response elements.
Steroids hormones, vitamin D and thyroid hormones diffuse
across the plasma membrane of target cells and bind to receptors called the steroid super family. they are transcription factors that have binding sites for hormones and for DNa. binding of hormone causes conformational change allowing it to bind to regulatory DNA sequences and affect the transcription of target genes.
these have a lag period of 30 minutes to several hours because you have to synthesize new proteins
effects can persist for hours to days because of the slow turnover of most enzymes and proteins. this means effects of hormone will decrease slowly.