Pharmachology Respiratory System Flashcards
What is the classification of drugs affecting the respiratory system?
1- bronchodilators
2- anti-inflammatory agents
3- antihistamines
4- medications for Colds and Coughs and Nasal congestion
What are contributing factors to having an efficient respiratory system?
Quality and quantity of air
Patency of airway
Expansion and contraction of the lungs
Exchange of O2 and CO2 at the alveoli level
What is another name for Bronchodilators?
What do COPD, asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema have in common?
They are respiratory disorders characterized by bronchoconstriction or bronchospasm with potential triggers of:
Respiratory infection, odors, smoke, chemical fumes, cold air, exercise, emotional upset and some drugs.
What are some physiological factors that aggravate bronchoconstriction?
Mucosal edema
Excessive mucus production
What is the therapeutic action of bronchodilators and Anti-asthmatics?
Dilate airways
Reduce inflammation
Stabilize mast cells (they release histamine when not stable)
What are the three (3) bronchodilators?
Xanthine or “oophyllines”
What are some of the characteristics of Adrenergic as a bronchodilator?
Prototype is Epinephrine (Adrenaline). Treatment in the ER. B1 and B2 effects so must monitor for B2: HTN, tachycardia, palpitations. There are B2 selective ones like Albuterol (Proventil) short acting for treatment or a rescue inhaler.
Why must we use adrenergics cautiously with patients with DM?
Because it can increase blood sugar
What are some ADE of Adrenergics?
Serious: bronchospasm (paradoxical side effect)
Common: palpitations, tachycardia, HTN, anxiety tremors.
What are some characteristics of Anticholinergics in treating the respiratory system?
Prototype: Atropine
Think DRY so it decrease secretions. Not used for acute treatment. Used for daily maintenance.
ADE: cough
Serious: bronchospasm and arrhythmias
What are some characteristics of Xanthines or “oophyllines” in treating the respiratory system?
Prototype: aminophylline It relaxes smooth muscle in the bronchus. CNS stimulation: Insomnia Headaches Increase reflexes Increase RR Increase HR + chronotropic Increase Myocardial contraction + inotropic Increase risk of ulcers
What are some of the ADE of Xanthines?
Serious: arrhythmias, seizures
Common: n/v, headache, insomnia
Respiratory distress: tachycardia, dyspnea, use of accessory muscles, hypoxia
What are the three (3) classification of Anti-inflammatory agents?
1- corticosteroids
2- mast cells stabilizers
3- leukotriene inhibitors
What are some of the characteristics of the Corticosteroids?
The therapeutic action is that they suppress airway inflammation. They are commonly referred to as steroids and are very good anti-flammatories. Decrease mucosa, airway reactivity, mucus secretions.