Pharm-Fibromyalgia, Sk M Relaxers, Spasticity Flashcards
What 3 drugs are used to treat Fibromyalgia (FM)? For which of these is this an off-label use?
DAM Pain Feels Crappy 1. Duloxetine 3. Pregabalin 6. Cyclobenzaprine Off-label use for 6
What is the suggested etiology of fibromyalgia?
↑’d nt function in ascending pathways of spinal cord + ↓’d levels in descending, modulatory pathways→amplification of all nociceptive signals arriving in brain from peripheral tissues (A+B leads to C)
What drugs have been historically used to treat FM? Why?
NSAIDs, Muscle relaxants, Narcotic analgesics, Sedative Hypnotics, Antidepressants; these were used to Rx the symptoms of FM (pain, sleep disturbance, mood disorders)
Which two of these drugs are in the same class? What is it?
Duloxetine and Milnacipran (both are oral); they belong to Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor (S/NERI) class of Antidepressants
MoA of Duloxetine and Milnacipran? How do they differ? What is there affect on receptors? How do they affect dopamine reuptake?
Both inhibit reuptake of Serotonin and NE.
Duloxetine: Ser>NE blockade
Milnacipran: NE> Ser blockade (3-fold)
Metab/Elim of Duloxetine?
M: extensive CYP metabolism, including CYP2D6. It moderately inhibits 2D6→potential for d-d interxns. (D in duloxetine and 2D6)
E: metabolites eliminated in urine
Metab/Elim of Milnacipran?
M: metabolism does NOT involve CYPs
E: eliminated in urine as mix of parental drug and metabolites
ADEs/CIs/BBW of Duloxetine and Milnacipran? (5)
- Mild ↑ in HR and BP; caution for pt’s w/ pre-existing CV issues
- CI’d in Glaucoma (closed-angle)
- CI’d w/ concurrent MAOIs
- SIADH leading to Hyponatremia
- BBW for suicidal ideation
Pregabalin is structurally related to what drug?
the anti-seizure drug Gabapentin (they share the same MoA, but Gabapentin is not approved/labeled for FM)
MoA of Pregabalin?
Acts on PREsynaptic alpha-2-delta subunits of L-type calcium channels→inhibition of excitatory glutamate transmission It's all in the Name Pregabalin: PRE=presynaptic Gaba=glutamate L=L-type calcium channel IN=inhibition of excitatory transmission
What are the effects of Pregabalin action?
Allevation of neuropathic pain, anxiety, and pain syndromes
Is Pregabalin a controlled substance?
Yes, it’s a Schedule V drug
Absorption/Elimination/Metabolic effects of Pregabalin? D
Rapid absorption
Renal elimination w/ evidence renal tubular reabsorption; reduce dose in renal failure
No known drug-metabolism interxns
ADEs/Cautions of Pregabalin?
BASS= Blurred vision/xerostomia + Additive sedation + Suicide + Schedule 5
- Rebound worsening of symptoms upon withdrawal; dependence w/ continued use (Schedule 5)
- Additive sedation w/ other Rx affecting CNS
- Worsening depression or suicidal thoughts/behavior
- Blurred vision, Xerostomia, Dizziness, Sedation, esp in elderly
What needs to be monitored w/ use of Pregabalin?
Serum Creatinine
What type of drug is Amitriptyline? Fluoxetine? How do these aid in the Rx of FM?
Amitriptyline→TCA (tricyclic antidepressant)
Fluoxetine→SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor)
These both appear to redress the imbalance of transmission in ascending vs descending spinal pain pathways.
What are the Skeletal Muscle Relaxer agents? (2)
“sit back, RELAX and watch a TCM (Copyright)
- Cyclobenzaprine
- Tizanidine
What is the indication/route of Carisoprodol?
Oral for musculoskeletal pain (older drug less frequently used than newer agents; not scheduled by FDA but concerns about abuse)
MoA/Effects of Carisoprodol?
Acts in reticular activation system of CNS (brain and spinal cord)→leads to sedation and reduced perception of pain.
How does Carisoprodol effect neuronal conduction, neuromuscular transmission, and muscular excitability?
it has NO DIRECT EFFECT on neuronal conduction, nm transmission, or muscular excitability