Pharm: All Cardio Drugs Combined Flashcards
MOA: Complex w/ ATIII to inactivate IIa and Xa, inhibit XI and XII, Releases TFPI; Indication: DVT, PE, Anticoagulation
LMW Heparin (Enoxaparin)
MOA: Complex w/ ATIII to inactivate IIa and Xa, inhibit XI and XII, Releases TFPI; Indication: DVT, PE, Anticoagulation
MOA: Complex w/ ATIII to inactivate IIa and Xa; Indication: DVT, PE
MOA: Directly inhibits IIa; Indication: Anticoagulation in HIT patients
MOA: Directly inhibits IIa; Indication: Anticoagulation in HIT patients
AT Concentrate
MOA: Directly inhibits IIa; Indication: DIC, sepsis, thrombophilia
Protamine Sulfate
MOA: Antagonizes Heparin; Indication: Heparin overdose
MOA: Antagonizes Vitamin K epoxide reductase, preventing activation of II, VII, IX, X.; Indication: DVT, Afib, Hypercoaguable state
Vitamin K
MOA: Cofactor in synthesis of active II, VII, IX, X; Indication: Warfarin Toxicity, Gastrinectomy, Hypoprothrombinemia
Apixaban, Rivaroxiban, Edoxiban
MOA: Direct inhibition of Xa; Indication: DVT, Afib, Hypercoaguable state
MOA: Direct inhibition of IIa; Indication: DVT, Afib, Hypercoaguable state
MOA: COX inhibitor, lowering thromboxine and inhibiting platelet aggregation; Indication: ACS, stroke, arterial thrombosis
Clopidogrel, Ticagrelor, Prasurgrel
MOA: ADP receptor inhibitor (prodrugs); Indication: ACS, stroke, arterial thrombosis
MOA: ADP receptor inhibitor (no activation required); Indication: ACS, stroke, arterial thrombosis
MOA: Phosphodiesterase inhibitor (prevents platelet activation); Indication: Arterial Thrombosis, stroke
MOA: Phosphodiesterase inhibitor (vasodilation); Indication: Intermittent Claudication
Abciximab, Eptifibatide, Tirofiban
MOA: GPIIb/GPIIIa inhibitors; Indication: ACS, PCI, MI
Fish Oil
MOA: Competitive inhibitor of prostaglandin pathway, preventing platelet activation; Indication: Thrombosis Prophylaxis
Zileuton, Montelkast, Zarirlkast
MOA: Leukotriene Pathway inhibitors; Indication: Asthma
MOA: Activates Plasminogen to Plasmin, Fibronlysis; Indication: Thombosis, MI, Stroke, PE
MOA: Activates Plasminogen to Plasmin, Fibronlysis; Indication: Thombosis, MI, Stroke, PE
Epsilon Amino Caproic Acid and Tranexemic Acid
MOA: Inactivation of tPA; Indication: tPA overdose, Excessive bleeding
MOA: HMG-CoA reducatse inhibitor -> decreases Cholesterol Synthesis, activating SREBP transcription factor, increasing LDLR synthesis, increasing cholesterol clearance in bile; Indication: Hyperlipidemia, High LDL
Cholestryramine, Colestpol, Colesevelam
MOA: Binds Bile Acids in small intestine and causes excretion. This activates Cholesterol 7a-Hydroxylase, which uses cholesterol to synthesize more bile acids. Also increases SREBP TF and LDLR.; Indication: Hyperlipidemia, High LDL
MOA: Inhibits Cholesterol absorbtion at intesting (via NPCL1); Indication: Hyperlipidemia, High LDL
MOA: Many actions, decreases VLDL synthesis and increases VLDL clearance, while also decreasing LPa(homologue of plasminogen, which competes for tPA), resulting in decreased thrombosis; Indication: High Triglycerides, High LDL, Low HDL
Gemfibrozil and Fenofibrate
MOA: Ligand for PPAR Transcription factor, decreasing ApoC3 synthesis (less VLDL production) and increasing LPL synthese, increasing TG breakfown in VLDL to increase VLDL clearance; Indication: High Triglycerides, Low HDL
Alirocumab and Evolocumab
MOA: Inhibit PCSK9, resulting in increased recycling of LDL receptors to hepatocyte membranes; Indication: High LDL uncontolled by max statins, Heterozygous FH
MOA: Inhibition of MTP to decrease lipoprotein production; Indication: Homozygous FH
MOA: Antisense mRNA decreasing ApoB100 and ApoB48 production, decreasing Lupoprotein production; Indication: Homozygous FH