PHARM 5: Drug Metabolism Flashcards
Why do we need metabolism?
- drugs tend to be lipophilic
- so lipid soluble drugs must be metabolized –> to become more water soluble –> so they can be excreted easily.
- metabolism eliminates/ reduces pharmacological + toxicological activity.
- and converts drug into something more polar + soluble
- -> more easily excreted by the kidneys
Where is the major organ for drug metabolism?
What is Hepatic First Pass Metabolism?
Hepatic First Pass Metabolism = metabolic conversion of drug into something different, before drug enters general circulation
What happens if a drug undergoes extensive first pass metabolism?
- low bioavailability
—> option: give drug intravenously
list briefly the stages of metabolic change
Phase I
Phase II
- but some drug undergo only phase 1 / 2
Describe Phase 1 reactions?
PHASE 1 = releasing/ making functional groups
- oxidation/reduction CREATES new functional groups
- hydrolysis UNMASKS functions groups
- functional groups serves as pt of attachment for Phase II reactions
- little change in polarity
–> prepared drugs for Phase 2 metabolism by introducing functional group
Where does Phase I reactions primarily occur?
- in the liver
- contains enzyme system cytochrome P450
- which has capability to metabolize lots of xenobiotics
What is the cytochrome P450 enzyme system?
- main system involved in Phase I oxidizing reactions
- predominantly found in liver
- also involved in metabolism of endogenous compounds such as steroid/ estrogens
note: some drugs can inhibit/induce CYP450
Give the reaction equation for cytochrome P450 mediated oxidation.
RH + NADPH + O2 + H+ –(cytochrome P450) —> ROH + NADP+ + H2O
in: drug, NADPH (reducing agent), molecular oxygen, source of protons.
out: oxidized drug, NADP+, Water
Describe the process of CYP450 oxidation.
- all P450 enzymes have porphyrin ring + iron at its active site
- drug binds to iron in catalytic site + reacts
- electron = donated by NADPH
- e- = picked up iron
- Fe3+ –> reduced to Fe2+
- Then oxygen binds to the catalytic side
- Then Fe2+ loses an e-
- becomes Fe3+
- oxygen picks up extra electron –> becomes unstable
- 2nd e- donated by NADPH
- e- picked up by Fe3+ –> Fe2+
- Fe2+ donates e- to O2 so oxygen is very unstable –> ready to reach
- Then drug is converted into hydroxylated derivative
and reactive oxygen is lost as water by picking up 2H+ - drug is released
- P450 returns to cycle with Fe3+ to undergo next cycle
note: oxidation reaction involves hydroxylation step catalyzed by P450 system.
What are characteristics of Phase II metabolism conjugated products?
conjugate formed:
- almost always inactive
- less lipid soluble
- more polar
- easier to excrete
What is the most common phase 2 metabolism reaction ?
- addition of sugar to a foreign compound.
Describe Glutathione conjugation
- Glutathione reacts with electrophiles
- electrophiles damage DNA + proteins so they must be removed.
Explain Glucuronidation of ibuprofen.
a) What is the conjugating agent?
b) What is it catalyzed by?
c) what does it form?
a) conjugating agent = UDPGA
b) catalyzed by = Glucuronyl Transferase
c) –> to form sugar derivative of xenobiotic
derivative = polar (so can be removed)
Explain acetylation.
- if drug has amino group
- high energy intermediate = acetyl coA
- it is catalyzed by acetyl transferase
- acetylated derivation of drug + coA goes into intermediary metabolism.
Explain Methylation.
what is the high energy intermediate?
What is enzyme used?
- RZH + S-adenosylmethionine –> RZ-CH3 + S-adenosythomocysteine
- high energy intermediate = S-adenosyl methionine
- enzyme = methyl transferase
- methyl group on sulphur of S-adenosylmethionine = transferred to NH2 of NA –> to generate Adrenaline (the methylated derivative)
What is the effect of methylation?
- it decreases polarity
What is sulphation?
what are characteristics of the derivatives?
what is it catalyzed by?
- PAPS = sulfate donor
- xenobiotic is taken with PAPS
- xenobiotic gets sulfated to produce sulfuric acid derivative of the molecule
- derivative characteristics = very polar + water soluble
- catalyzed by: sulfotranferases
Describe conjugation with glutathione.
what is it catalyzed by?
RX + GSH —> R-SG + XH
- ## catalyzed by glutathione transferase
Why does the body have lots of glutathione?
- important to protect body from toxic metabolites
Glutathione is a tripeptide.
what does it consist of ?
what is the most important part of the molecule + why?
- glycine
- glutamine
- cysteine
most important = cysteine
- because it has the thiol
- which is the part that reacts
What are the 5 Phase II reactions?
- Glucuronidation
- Sulphation
- Acetylation
- Methylation
- Conjugation with a.acids / glutathione
What is a key characteristic of Phase II reactions?
- involves a high energy intermediate
Give 5 reasons of the importance of drug metabolism
- biological half life of the chemical is decreased
- duration of exposure is reduced
- accumulation of compound is avoided
- duration of biological activity of chemical can be altered
- pharmacology/toxicology of the drug can be governed by its metabolism.
note: after phase 1 –> not v soluble
after phase 2 –> more soluble
note: enzymes involved in metabolism –> 9/10 times usually CYP450 enzyme
why do u not see acetanilide in pharmacy although it is a pro rug of paracetamol
it is toxic to blood cells
What happens in the oxidation of imipramine?
- N demethylation
- N methyl groups are oxidized
to form desimipramine
What happens in the oxidation of Codeine
- O demethylation
- O methyl groups are oxidized
to form Morphine
- N oxidation can also occur
note: diff individuals have diff levels of CYP450
tri methylinine (fish odor ) –> metabolized to something that is odorless occurs through what type of oxidation?
occurs via N - oxidation
describe alcohol oxidation.
what enzymes are used?
- ethanol –> acetaldehyde –> acetic acid
enzyme: cytoplasmic alcohol dehydrogenase
Glucuronidation is catalyzed by what enzyme?
Glucuronyl transferase
Methylation is catalyzed by what enzyme?
Methyl Transferase
What is the conjugating agent used in the process of glucuronidation?