Pharm Flashcards
Aspirin (ASA) - Ecotrin
Class: NSAID, anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet aggregate, salicylate
Dose: 75mg-650mg q 4-6 h
Labs: long term therapy: salicylate level PT PTT INR
Give with food; toxicity=tinnitus with acidosis. Do not give to pt with hx of GI bleeding or thrombocytopenia
Pt Ed: stop taking 7d prior to surgery; report bloody emesis or stools
Acetaminophen Tylenol
Class: analgesic antipyretic
Dose: 325-600mg max 4g/qd
Labs: liver function: check liver enzymes
Pt Ed: short term us, long term can harm liver
Azithromycin - Zithromax
Dose: 250mg-600mg
Uses: Lower RI, otis media, bacterial sinusitis
Labs: liver function
Nurse: give with food. do NOT give with antacids.(binds with microlide and makes it not work)
Pt Ed: Take full course. May cause GI distress. C.diff. report to Dr.
Clonidine - Catapres
Dose: 1.1-0.6 mg or 100mcg-600mcg
transdermal patch (do not cut patch)
Uses: hypertension adjunct for pain. opiate, nicotine, alcohol dependence withdrawal.
Labs: n/a
Nrsg: monitor bp before giving and 1h post. may cause bradycardia
Pt Ed: change positions slowly. May cause drowsiness/dry mouth.
Do not stop taking–may cause rebound. Severe bp may decrease libido
clopidogrel - Plavix
Anti-platelet aggregate
Dose: 75mg qd
Uses: decreases incidence of MI, stroke and acute coronary syndrome
Labs: platelet counts before and after
Nrsg: do not give to pt w/hx of GI bleeding. Give with food to lower GI upset
Pt Ed: do not take with aspiriin or other NSAIDS. Take with food and report GI upset. Report bleeding and bruising. Stop B4 having surgery
Inotropic Cardiac glycoside
Dose: 0.75-1.25mg daily
uses: dysrhythmias, CHF, angina and MI. strength of myocardial contraction=cardiac output.
Labs: check K+ levels. Dig level (S/B60bpm. Check bp, monitor for S/Sx of toxicity, esp. for pt also on Lasix. Monitor for bradycardia if given with beta blockerrs
Pt Ed: take at the same time qd to maintain serum level. Do not take wth ginseng or mahuang. Teach pt how to check pulse
docusate sodium - Colace
Stool softener, laxative
Dose: 50mg-250mg usual dose = 100mg
Uses: constipation. reduces surface tension and pulls in add’l water to soften stool.
Labs: n/a
Nrsg: do not use to treat constipation but to prevent constipation
Pt Ed: drink 2L-3L water qd. walk. Do not take with severe cramping
Anti-coagulant, low molecular wt. heparin
NOT interchangeable with heparin
Dose: 30mg/ml-80mg/ml Can be up to 150mg/ml (pre filled syringe)
Uses: to prevent deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, acute S-T elevations, MI. Prevents fibrin formation
Labs: platelet count may go down. Check hgb/hct levels
Nrsg: ALWAYS give SubQ, NEVER IM. alternate injection sites. DO NOT expel air bubble, it is nitrogen. Do Not massage injection site. Watch for bleeding at the site, hematuria, bleeding gums, etc
Pt Ed: report excessive bruising or bleeding with tooth brushing. Do Not use NSAIDs or ASA, use herbal meds with caution.
Dose: 20mg-80mg
Uses: excess fluid retention. Moderate to severe edema
Labs Serum K+ and Na.
Nrsg: Monitor bp, I&O, watch for S/Sx hypokalemia (muscle cramps and weakness)
Pt Ed: change position slowly. Teach high K+ diet. Weigh daily, take in the morning. Report muscle cramps. Use care if used with Digoxin
Dose: 100mg-800mg Capsules, oral solution
Uses: seizure. Off label use: neuropathic pain
Labs: renal function
Nrsg: give first dose at hs to minimize drowsiness,dizziness and fatigue
Pt Ed: do not stop abruptly. May take w/o regard to meals. Avoid activities requiring alertness. Refrigerate oral solution. Pt will take for life
hydro-chlorothiazide (HCTZ) - Diuril
Dose: 24mg-100mg qd
Uses: hypertension and excessive fluid retention
Labs: serum K+ and Na. Renal function and glucose in diabetics
Nrsg: monitor bp, I&O, wt., and K+. May increase risk of Digoxin Toxicity
Pt Ed: change position slowly. Weigh daily. Take in the morning with food to lower GI distress
hydroMorphone - Dilaudid
Opiod agonist analgesic
Dose: individualized for pt. 2-8mg tablets. *may be given IV/IM titrate dose
Uses: treat moderate to severe pain
Labs: n/a long term use for moderate pain needs to check liver function
Nrsg: monitor respiration and O2 sat. do NOT give if resp is
NSAID anti-inflammatory
Dose: 200mg-800mg q6-8h Max 3.2gm q24h. Ceiling dose is 800mg. (body cannot absorb more than 800mg)
Uses: inflammation,pain
Labs: renal and hepatic function. Check occult blood if pt symptomatic of GI distress.
Nrsg: has less antiplatelet effects than ASA and is likely to cause GI bleeds. May mask S/Sx of infection. Contraindicated in persons with GI ulcers
Pt Ed: May take with food to lessen GI upset. DO NOT take with alcohol or GI Bleeding may occur
ketorolac - Toradol
NSAID anti-inflammatory. short term use ONLY
Dose: 10mg-60mg. never give more than 5 days
Uses: post-op acute pain
Labs: n/a
Nrsg: Tx usually begins with IM or IV admin, but may be given PO. Give deep IM, may cause pain at injection site. Apply pressure at injection site to minimize pain. Has less anti-platelet effects than ASA
Levofloxin - Levaquin
Anti-infective, antimicrobial
Dose: 250mg-750mg
Uses: infections: sinus, bladder, staph, pneumonia, flu, anthrax, gonorrhea
Labs: monitor serum glucose (may lower)
Nrsg: ck for C&S (culture and sensitivity) before 1st dose. Monitor for excessive CNS stimulation (restlessness, confusion, etc)
Pt Ed: must drink 1.5L-2L water/d do not take with antacids or milk=less absorption. (no magnesium or multi vitamins) Notify MD if CNS stimulation occurs. Take full course. can cause tendon rupture