Pham Randoms Flashcards
the tensor veli palatini muscle is innervated by
the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve, and
-the levator veli palatini,
-palatinus, and
-palatopharyngeus muscles are all innervated by the pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve.
tensor tympani muscle is innervated by
the tensor tympani nerve contains proprioceptive and motor fibers that provide innervation to the
- What is purpose of direct pulp cap
prevent internal resorption, prevent needing rct, prevent external resorption
- Best solution for avulsed tooth: sterile water, cows milk, dextrose
Milk is a readily
available medium for 1he lay person. and beamse time is
of 1he essence, it is 1he medium of choice in the absence of
Hank’s solution or ViaSpan. Milk will only prevent further
cellular demise; thus, it is used specifically when teeth have
been emaoral for less than 20 minutes. ADy periodontalligammrt
extraom1 exposure greater than 15 min.uCes will deplete
most of the cell metabolites; for this reason, a longer period
of extmora1 time limits milk’s e:lfectivcness to maiiJtain cellular
viability. Unlike Hank’s solution and VmSpan, which
can store avulsed teeth and :replenish cellular metabolite8 for
24 hours and 1 week, respectively, milk as a storage medium
becomes ineffective after approximately 6 hours.
newer physiologically compatible solutions are available that
can maintain 81ld/or replenish PDL cell metabolites. 1.’wo
such solutions are Hank’s balanced salt solution and VlaSpan
- Man with 3 month eye issue and fatigue when chewing:
-muscular dystrophy, or
-Myasthenia gravis is a chronic condition that causes muscles to tire and weaken easily. For example, if you have myasthenia gravis, you may notice that during a meal, your jaw muscles become tired and weak, interfering with your ability to chew food.
-Ocular myasthenia gravis is a form of myasthenia gravis (MG) in which the muscles that move the eyes and control the eyelids are easily fatigued and weakened. What are the common symptoms of ocular myasthenia gravis? People with ocular MG have trouble with sight due to double vision and/or drooping eyelids.
- Patient stops taking their clonidine but keeps taking beta blocker, what happens?
These two medicines are taken together to help lower your blood pressure. In some people, they may increase blood pressure. If you stop taking clonidine and continue taking your beta-blocker, or if you stop taking them both at the same time, your blood pressure may also increase.
- Patient on beta blocker and you give block with local with epi, what vitals can you expect?
Clinical implications: Use of local anesthetic containing a vasoconstrictor should be avoided in patients taking beta-blocker medication because of a possible adverse drug interaction.
Propranolol and other nonselective beta-adrenergic blocking agents can inhibit the vasodilatory effect of epinephrine in dental local anesthetic solutions, leading to hypertensive reactions and a concomitant reflex bradycardia. It is important for clinicians to recognize and avoid these serious drug interactions.
- How many weeks for pdl to form after avulsion: 2-6 weeks, 12-16 weeks, 8 months
2-6 weeks, 12-16 weeks,
Likely 2-6 weeks but not 100% confirmed
- What is needed for maxillary overdenture:
midline implant, 4 implants, 5 mm clearance, a bar
- When do you use a non vascularized bone graft:
child with missing condyle
-composite symphysis defect
-radiated bone
child with missing condyle
- How long does it take for toradol anticoagulant effects to wear off:
It takes about 5.5 x elimination half-life before a drug is totally eliminated from your system. Therefore Ketorolac would in your system for about 33 hours (6 x 5.5 hours)
- What causes respiratory depression from morphine
M6G has been demonstrated capable of in- ducing naloxone-reversible respiratory depres- sion in animals. In rats receiving M6G, M3G, and morphine by the ICV route, M6G was ap- proximately 10 times more potent than mor- phine in depressing minute ventilation. In awake dogs, ICV administration of M6G also caused profound dose-dependent ventilatory depression.
Studies in rats and dogs have demon- strated that ICV administration of M3G caused stimulation of ventilation. Furthermore ICV administration of M3G functionally antago- nized the ventilatory depression induced by M6G in rats.
- What muscle causes facial elongation in untreated lefort fx:
-lateral pterygoid,
Lateral Pterygoids
This treatment prevented the malocclusion; however, it was noted that patients often developed a long face deformity. This may be caused by the effects of gravity or the downward pull of the pterygoid muscles in Le Fort I and II,
and pterygoid and masseter muscles in the case of Le Fort III fractures.
Key fats about the lateral pterygoid muscles
- Why use TCA to treat pin after tjr: Nociceptive, depression, sympathetic, dopaminergic
The main mechanism of antidepressants that inhibit neuropathic pain is first, to increase noradrenaline in the spinal cord, and second, to act on the LC, thereby directly inhibiting pain and activating the impaired descending noradrenergic inhibitory system. Dopamine and 5-HT also increase in the central nervous system and may enhance the inhibitory effects of noradrenaline in an auxiliary manner.
- How does osseodensification work:
counter clockwise drilling
The recently introduced technique of osseodensification for dental implant involves the use of special drills (Densah) run in a counter-clockwise direction at the osteotomy site. It is claimed that this causes expansion of the osteotomy site, and increases density of the bone in immediate vicinity of the osteotomy.
- What resorbs the fastest:
-mineralized allograft,
-demineralized allograft,
demineralized allograft,
Since FDBA is mineralized, it elicits slower resoprtion than DFDBA and provides an osteoconductive scaffold when implanted in mesenchymal tissues. For DFDBA, the demineralization process removes the mineral phase of the graft which can expose the underlying bone collagen and possibly bone growth factors like BMPs. Because of this, DFDBA may have a higher osteoinductivity than FDBA
- best way to preserve gingival tissue with implant : flapless, guided surgery, large flap
- myasthenia gravis PFT
- dec FEV1, increased RV:FRC ratio
- muscular weakness causes RV to be higher
Goldenhar Gorlin syndrome
Epibulbar dermoid
Epibulbar dermoids are benign tumors. They tend to be firm, white-yellow or pinkish tumors straddling the limbus in the temporal (primarily inferotemporal) quadrants. They are located both over the cornea and sclera
Goldenhar-Gorlin syndrome manifests a number of craniofacial abnormalities that usually involve the face (hemifacial microsomia), eyes (epibulbar dermoid) and ears (microtia). It may also be associated with varying degrees of systemic and vertebral malformations. This syndrome presents at birth and the exact etiology is still unknown. The affections of the neural crest cells may have some role in the multiple malformations of the Goldenhar-Gorlin syndrome.1 The association of cardiac, pulmonary, central nervous system, renal and vertebral abnormalities have been described.2-4 Other skeletal malformations like extra ribs were reported
-local maxes FOR
- 600-prilo
- 500-lido/arti
- 400-mepi
- 90 mg-Marcaine (bupivacaine)
-cavernous sinus thrombosis
- unliateral periorbital edema, headache, photophobia, proptosis
- CNIII, IV, V1, V2, VI
Nerve fibers
Characteristic & Function
Remember, large myelinated are the last to come back.
Pediatric airway (6 pts)
pediatric airway
1. larynx more ant/sup
2. cricoid more narrow
3. trachea more narrow/rigid
4. tongue larger
5. pharynx smaller
6. epiglottis larger/floppier