PH written flashcards
What are the principles of medical ethics?
autonomy, benefience, non-maleficence, justice
What are the contributors to work related stress for doctors?
excessive workload poor management organisational changes insufficient resources pressure complaints dealing with patient suffering
What are the symptoms of burnout?
decreasing your personal contact distancing work avoidance acting out feeling failure/guilt increasing minor illnesses
What is a method of communication in conflict?
listen observe body language verify understanding of problem empathise reassure seek compromise
What are some ethnic issues in health?
genetics behaviour/cultural factors material factors migration and racism inequalities in access to care
Which 4 things are used in 4 quadrant approach and who wrote it and when?
1982 - Jonsen et al medical indications patient preferences QoL contextual features
What is the difference between incidence and prevelance?
incidence = rate at which disease occurs in a population during a specified time period prevalence = proportion of population that have disease at a specific point in time
What is the inverse care law?
the availability of good medical care tends to vary inversly with the need for it in the population served
What is the Bradford Hill criteria?
about establishing causal relationship CRB for STD consistency reversibility biological plausability strength of association temporary dose response
What are the 3 types of health behaviour?
health behaviour
illness behaviour
sick role behaviour
What are the stages of the transtheoretical model?
precontemplation - contemplation - preparation - action - maintainence
What are the 4 domains of public health?
health protection - immunisation
health promotion - change 4 life
improvement of services - audit
addressing wider determinants of health - assessing data