Pg 8 Flashcards
How would a premarital agreement be unconscionable at the time of its execution?
If the party didn’t get fair and reasonable disclosure about something important such as the other party’s wealth. This happens when the party didn’t have or reasonably couldn’t have had adequate knowledge of the property or financial obligations of the other party.
If the court decides that a premarital agreement is unconscionable, what happens to it?
It is void
Are spouses allowed to waive the right to spousal support or property rights under a premarital agreement?
– in the nation: yes, unless it makes one party so destitute that they require public assistance
– in California: cannot get a spousal support waiver
Can there be a transmutation during a marriage?
Yes, the spouses can change the status of any property presently owned or later acquired
What are the two critical time periods with regard to a transmutation that happens during a marriage?
– before January 1 of 1985
– after January 1 of 1985
If there is a transmutation during the course of the marriage, what is the critical date?
The date of mutation, not the date the property was acquired
What is required for a transmutation that happens during a marriage prior to January 1 of 1985?
No formal requirement for a property agreement to be made during the marriage. Informal oral agreements are enforcible if there was sufficient evidence to prove them. Very simple to change from SP to CP or vice versa through a conversation or act
What is required for a transmutation to occur during a marriage on or after January 1 of 1985?
Must be:
- in writing
- by express declaration
- signed by the party that is giving up the property rights
- include language that expressly states a change in character or ownership of the property is happening
What is the exception for the rules regarding transmutation during marriage when it is a gift between spouses?
There’s no need for a writing if a transmutation agreement involves the following:
– a gift between spouses
– of clothes, jewelry, wearing apparel, or other tangible articles of a personal nature
– used solely or principally by the recipient spouse
– gift is not substantial in value considering the circumstances of the marriage
What is the rationale behind the gifts between spouses exception to the transmutation rules during marriage?
This is meant to reduce litigation, to discourage perjury, to give greater certainty.
What things are not admissible on divorce as evidence of transmutation?
– a change in ownership due to commingling
– statements in wills
What are presumptions?
Conclusions that the law requires to be drawn in the absence of contrary evidence as long as some other facts are provided or established.
Always ask what question after you’ve gone through source and actions?
If there are any presumption that would change the characterization
What is the rationale for presumptions?
Some facts are so likely to be true and so unlikely to be disputed that the law requires them to be assumed in the absence of contrary evidence.
What are the things that are possible for presumptions?
They are either conclusive and the court is required to find the presumed fact regardless of the strength of the evidence, or they are rebuttable
What do presumptions do to the burden of proof?
They shift it to the other party
What is an example of a presumption?
Presumption that a mailed letter was received
What is the basic CP presumption?
All property acquired during marriage is presumed to be CP
How do you overcome the basic CP presumption?
By clear and satisfactory proof that it is SP
If title is in one spouse’s name alone, does that rebut a presumption that the property gotten during the marriage is CP?
What are the ways that you can rebut a presumption?
By tracing or by agreement
How do you use tracing to rebut a presumption?
If one spouse can trace the asset to an SP source, that rebuts the presumption that the property is CP
How do you rebut a presumption through an agreement?
Parties can make an agreement that assets acquired during marriage are not CP, but are instead SP.
What are the form of title presumptions?
- Joint form
– husband and wife presumption
– pre-1975 married women’s presumption
– presumptions about bank accounts
What is a form of title presumption?
A general presumption that the property is presumed to be held in the form that title was taken in.
What is the joint form presumption?
Property acquired during marriage in any joint form is presumed to be CP upon divorce, but not on death
Is it possible to have CP and joint tenancy at the same time?
How do you rebut a presumption that property acquired during marriage is CP?
By showing that the property was taken in joint tenancy
What is the only time that the joint form presumption applies?
Only for divorce, not for death. On death, joint tenancy property is presumed to be joint tenancy, not CP
Can you rebut the joint form presumption through tracing?
No, but you can possibly get reimbursement. If one spouse is trying to get his SP interest out of jointly held property, and he can produce a written agreement, he might get a reimbursement for any SP contribution
How do you rebut a joint form presumption?
Through a written agreement that is signed by both spouses saying that each owns their half as SP or a clear statement in the title or deed.
Ie: if the deed says “husband and wife, as joint tenants, each retain their SP interests.” That allows the husband and wife to each claim jointly held property the way that a joint tenant would own it, and each has their SP interest but also a right of survivorship. The wife owns the property as a joint tenant and has an SP interest during the life of the two of them, but if the husband dies before the wife, then the wife has a right of survivorship and owns that joint tenancy property as her own instead of it being CP that he can will away his one half to