pg 54 Flashcards
Tension (tone) at rest - Ability to allow passive movement
neuromuscular and motor control
Passive mobility - Soft tissue and articular considerations
Quality of initiation - Controlled, quick, sluggish, delayed
(neuromuscular and motor control)
Quality of concentric - Smooth and coordinated, jerky, weak, fluctuating strength, ability of reinforcement
(neuromuscular and motor control)
Control of direction - Achievement of motor planning
(neuromuscular and motor control)
Ability to perform and switch between demands for concentric, eccentric, maintained isotonic, and
isometric contractions
(neuromuscular and motor control)
Ability to stabilize in shortened ROM - especially one joint extensors
(neuromuscular and MC)
Ability for joint and soft tissues to move through full ROM
Ability to perform at varying speeds
(motor control)
Quality of power and control of power
(neuromuscular and motor control)
Quality of endurance
Quality of irradiation and reinforcement
Ability to reverse direction of motion - Isotonic reversal
(neuromuscular and motor control)
Relaxation of antagonistic muscles
(motor control)
Ability to breathe during contractions
(motor control)
Is patient able to control power and to do fine motor activities?
(all three)
Can movement cross mid-line?
(all three)
Can patient visualize motion?
(motor control)
Ability to perform quick adjustments
(neuromuscular and motor control)
Balance and balancing reactions
(neuromuscular and motor control)