PG 11-20 Flashcards
To perform any type of statistical procedure what do we require?
We require data.
What is Bias?
Exists when some subjects or outcomes are systematically favored over others.
What are the three types of bias that can be introduced into sampling?
Selection Bias, Non response Bias, and Response Bias.
What is a Selection Bias?
Occur when one or more types of subjects are systematically excluded from the sample.
What is an example of selection Bias?
Taking a sample of 200 students at a basketball game and asking if they’d want to pay to expand the arena, but those not at the game, their opinions aren’t included
Relating to selection Bias, What is Undercoverage?
When an inference cannot be made to the entire population, but only a subset of the population, ex: students at the game, students not.
What is Non Response Bias?
When an individual of the sample cannot be contacted or fails to respond.
Example of Nonresponse Bias?
Throwing away survey, if 500 citizens are chosen, to represent each race an ethnic group and one race/ group does not respond, that is a non response bias.
What is a Response Bias?
When respondents give inaccurate info or if the interview influences the subject to respond in a certain way due to the phrasing of the Q.
What is Response Bias a big concern with?
Legal or social behavior issues.
Example of Response Bias? (Committed a crime)
Have you ever committed a crime that involved inflicting injury to the body of another person?”
Due to social and legal concerns, the number of “no” responses will likely be higher than the actual number of people for which the correct response is “no”.
Example 2 of Response Bias? (Airlines)
Do you feel safer flying on delta airlines as opposed to one of the other airlines? Response bias for delta airlines over others
What does a Haphazard Sample involve?
Involves selecting a sample by some convenient mechanism that does NOT involve randomization.
Examples of a Haphazard Sample? (there are two)
Mall survey- questions distributed to people
Campus survey- students questioned as they walk across campus
What is a Volunteer Response sample?
Exists when subjects volunteer to be part of the study.
Examples of Volunteer response?
Telephone call in polls, Internet surveys, newspaper surveys.
What is the problem with Volunteer response samples?
Those who volunteer often have negatively strong opinions and they over represent those with strong opinions which skews data.
What are Haphazard and Volunteer response samples prone to?
Bias, Particularly non response bias.
Example of Haphazard and volunteer responses being Non Response Bias?
questions sent out to all vcu students asking how safe they feel on campus, respondents will most likely feel less safe and hope to generate change. causing a bias in the result.
What are Random samples?
Samples in which subjects are chosen randomly to be in the sample.
Why is random sampling good?
It is often representative of the pop. and is mostly free of bias.
What is Probability Sampling Design?
When each subject of the population has a positive and equal chance of being selected for the sample.
What does Probability Sampling design mainly do?
Reduce or eliminate bias.
What is a Sampling Procedure?
Select a sample of the Pop. and only measure the subjects in sample.
What is an Experimental design?
A treatment is imposed on the experimental units and a response is observed.
What can you do as a result of an Experimental design?
You can compare the effect that the treatment is having on the response
What should the Sample in an experiment be?
As REPRESENTATIVE of the population as possible, meaning the characteristics of sample should match those of the POP.
Example of the sample being Representative of the Pop?
If the pop is 60 percent female then the sample should be that as well, if we think a persons sex will influence the response