Covers all persons engaged in health and health-related work, employed in all hospitals, sanitaria, health centers, rural health units, barangay health stations, clinics, and other health-related establishments owned and related establishments owned and operated by the government or its
political subdivisions, regardless of their employment status.
What is the republic act for magna carta health workers
ra 7305
service is urgently needed and where any delay in its execution and delivery will adversely affect the outcome of the service as well as pose a threat to the life of a person and/or condition of a facility or property.
Exigency of the Service
— a movement of a public health worker from one geographical location to another in the same department or agency which does not involve a reduction in rank, status, or salary.
Geographical Reassignment
the risks to the health and safety of public health workers.
a duly authorized work rendered between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Night Shift
what hours are considered a “night shift”
10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
the term used for meal allowance
Rural Health Physician = 1:?
Public Health Nurse = 1:?
Rural Health Midwife = 1:?
Rural Sanitary Inspector = 1:?
Rural Health Dentist = 1:?
PHN- 1:20,000
RHD- 1:50,000
T OR F: in case of temporary reassignment, no expenses incidental to the reassignment of a public health worker shall be reimbursed by the government
T OR F: In case of permanent reassignment requiring the relocation of the family, all necessary
expenses shall be paid for by the government.
In case spouses are both public health workers, they can be assigned, as much as possible in
the same locality and in the same office or unit.
Public health workers who are regularly employed under permanent status shall have_______ and shall not be terminated or dismissed except for cause provided by law and after due process.
security of tenure
What section states that The Head of the Local Government Unit concerned shall designate
a Medico-Legal Officer for their Province/Municipality. The Rural Health Physician or any Resident Physician in a non-training hospital could be designated as the Medico-Legal
Officer provided that the individual had undergone an appropriate training for such services.
who designates the medico-legal officer for the province/municipality?
The head of the local government unit ( head of LGU)
who should be designated as the medico-legal officer
The Rural Health Physician or any Resident Physician in a non-training hospital
what are the normal hours of work for public health workers
shall be required to render eight (8) hours of work per day or forty (40) hours a week.
all the time during which a public health worker is required or permitted to work; provided, that during times that a public health worker
“ON CALL” status
what constitutes normal hours of work
a) all the time during which a public health worker is required to be on active duty or to be at a prescribed workplace;
b) all the time during which a public health worker is required or permitted to work; provided, that during times that a public health worker is “ON CALL” status as defined in these Rules, he shall
be entitled to ON CALL pay equivalent to fifty per cent (50%) of his regular wage.
a public health worker that is “ON CALL” is entitled to on-call pay equivalent to how many percent of his regular wage?
if a public health worker renders a 24-hour service what are they granted?
an extra day off immediately after each 24-hours tour of duty.
TRUE OR FALSE: Time spent while on “on call” status shall be compensated at the rate of 50% of the worker’s hourly rate.
What is the base rate for work rendered in excess of the day’s scheduled normal work period? (over time)
125% of the base rate
What is the base rate for work rendered during a rest day?
150% of the base rate
What is the base rate for work rendered during a holiday?
150% of base rate
PHW are granted ___
night shift differential pay of 10% for each hour of work performed during the night shifts customarily adopted by hospitals/health institutiions
Night shift PHW are granted what compensations:
a. night shift differential pay 10%
b. regular wage + regular over time rate + night shift differential pay
how many months before compulsory retirement does it take before a worker shall be granted an automatic one salary grade increase
(3) months
Three (3) months before compulsory retirement, the public health worker shall be granted:
-automatic one salary grade increase in his basic salary
-his retirement benefit thereafter
shall be computed on the basis of his highest salary received and paid; provided that the
public health worker has reached retirement age and fulfilled the service requirements under
the existing law.
when is a PHW entitled to a raise in pay?
JULY 1, 1992
what is the entitled pay equivalent for a public health worker who have earned a post-graduate degree
2% of their basic salary
this is paid to the worker for every five years of continuous, efficient and, meritorious service rendered
Longevity Pay.
longevity pay is applied after how many years working for an institution and how many percent?
5 years, 5% raise of the present monthly basic pay
All public health workers covered under RA 7305 are eligible to receive hazard pay when the nature of their work exposes them to high risk/low
risk hazards for at least ____ ( how many percent)
Eligibility to Receive Hazard Pay.- 50%
who approves the eligibility to receive hazard pay,
Secretary of Health or his representatives
subsistence allowance should not be ____ per day or ____ per month
PhP50.00 per day or PhP1,500.00 per month
subsistence allowance should not be less than ____ per day or ____ per month
PhP50.00 per day or PhP1,500.00 per month
The laundry allowance shall be ______per month. This shall be paid on a monthly basis regardless of the actual work rendered by a public health worker.
A one-time relocation allowance of _______ shall be provided for the estimated costs of
relocating to the area of assignment.
T OR F: for public health workers one of the perks is free treatment and hospitalization
TRUE OR FALSE: Public health workers are not to allowed to freely form, join or assist organizations or unions for purposes not contrary to law, in order to defend and protect their mutual interests and to
obtain redress of their grievances through peaceful concerted activities.
Public health workers shall HAVE the right to freely form, join or assist organization or unions
for purposes not contrary to law, in order to defend and protect their mutual interests and to
obtain redress of their grievances through peaceful concerted activities.
what is compulsory for all newly appointed public health workers
Basic job orientation course which shall be compulsory