Peter Howson - Social And Cultural Influences Flashcards
How was Howson influenced by sectarianism?
Howson was influenced by sectarianism. The Patriots depicts violent thugs with weapons and football scarfs. This imagery tells us the painting is about football violence in glasgow. Many other Howson paintings such as John Ogilvie depict violence with sectarianism as a theme.
How was Howson influenced by the city of Glasgow?
Howson was influenced by the city of Glasgow. This painting depicts a scene that he witnessed near the Barra’s in the East End of Glasgow. Howson often paints about the problems with social injustice in the city depicting struggles with drugs and alcohol in his works such as Heroic Dosser.
How was Howson influenced by his mental health?
Howson was influenced by his struggles with mental health. He was traumatised by the violence he witnessed when he was the official war artist in Bosnia. Howson’s work often depicts the brutality of humans. This can be seen in the subject matter of the Patriots