Pestana studying - GI Flashcards
NSAID use/chronic pain
Look for iron deficiency anemia caused by ulcers
Epigastric pain
Could be cholecystitis, pancreatitis, PUD, or MI. Get EKG to check for MI first.
Perf PUD
Peritoneal irritation
Acute pancreatitis
Radiates to back
Acute cholecystitis
Radiates to right scapula
Duodenal ulcer
> 90% have H. pylori. Tx with acid suppression and eradication of organism (2 Abx and PPI). Amoxicillin + Clarithromycin
Epigastric pain, postprandial fullness, early satiety
Dyspepsia in H. pylori areas
Test for H. pylori first
Dyspepsia in non H. pylori area
PPI first
Dyspepsia in pt >55 yrs or alarm sx like weight loss, dysphagia, or persistent vomiting
Elevated IgA anti-endomysial antibody and elevated TTG. Don’t have to have them.
Celiac features
Bulky, foul smelling floating stools, loss of muscle mass, pallor/fatigue, bone pain/fracture, easy bruising, hyperkeratosis, villous atrophy
Ab pain, bloody diarrhea, tenesmus.
Toxic megacolon (sepsis)
WBC, fever, hypotension, and tachy. Do ab XR to confirm
Pt with IBD and worsening sx accompanied by sepsis
Think toxic megacolon –> ab XR to dx
Diffuse Esophageal Spasm
Severe, non-cardiac chest pain due to uncoordinated contractions of esophageal body. Multiple contractions on tracings middle and lower esophagus
Ascites tx
Na/water restriction, spiro, furosemide. Then paracentesis. Peritoneo-jugular shunt is for ascites tx.
Chronic panc
Caused by drinking, CF, or autoimmune. Epigastric pain, big drinker, diarrhea, weight loss. Diarrhea and weight loss due to panc insufficiency. Eventually becomes Diabetes. Panc calcification on CT is diagnostic.
Upper GI endoscopy
PUD, gastritis, dysphagia, or hematemesis
Panc insufficiency
Uncomplicated diverticulitis
Clinical diagnosis.
Complicated diverticulitis
Use CT to figure out what is going on.
Increased BUN/Cr
prerenal azotemia, GI bleed, pts on systemic corticosteroids
NPO, IVF, and monitor blood counts and vital signs for ongoing bleed
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