Pervasive Legal Concepts Flashcards
How should a foreign LLC (treated as a partnership + transparent body in the US) be treated in English law?
The entity will be treated as an opaque body corporate in the UK only if it has the attributes of such a body of persons according to English, Scots or Northern Ireland Law
You are a sole trader, and seperately start a company with friends selling flowers, how does this affect your position as a taxable person for VAT purposes?
You are a separate taxable person for VAT purposes from the company with your friends (body corporate)
What is a non juristic person?
An unincorporated body of persons
What is a juristic person?
Bodies corporate or corporations
How are corporations classified?
By their nature and purpose, and method of creation e.g by Royal Charter or under the Companies Act 2006
What is a corporation sole?
An office or post, a body corporate constituted in a single person that has double capacity (corporate and individual capacity) e.g monarch or PM
What is a corporation aggregate?
A corporation, only has a single capacity, a business
What are the attributes of a corporation?
Perpetual succession
Continuous identity (if employees change, the company is still bound in contract)
What is the nature of a corporation?
Distinct from those that run it
Opaque - referred to as an artificial person
What are examples of non-juristic persons?
Partnership, trustees of a trust, personal representatives of a deceased person, any other unincorporated association
What is the nature of a non-juristic person?
Transparent, the same as those that run it
What are examples of questions of fact?
Truth of documents
Ordinary or popular meanings of words
Business and accountancy matters
Matters of impression or degree
Matters of expert opinion
The provision of overseas law
What are examples of questions of law?
Content of the legal rules
- Understanding and application of the law
- A failure to ask the proper question
- The interpretation of the words in a document
- The meaning of a word, not the application
What type of personality does a body corporate have?
An opaque juristic personality
What can you appeal on?
Question of law
What are primary facts?
Facts stated by experts
What are secondary facts?
Facts of inference, an inference drawn from a primary facts may give rise to questions of law
True or false, the term ‘person’ in tax legislation includes a body of persons corporate or unincorporate?
True or false, juristic persons can only be corporations?
True or false, a company can be created by resolution of the House of Commons?
True or false, a company can be created by Royal Charter?
True or false, a company can be created by an Act of Parliament?
What are examples of a non-juristic person?
A partnership, trustees of a trust, personal representatives of a deceased estates
How are questions of fact proved?
Either by direct evidence or by agreement by the parties to a dispute
How are primary facts proved?
They are observed by witnesses and proved by oral testimony or facts proved by the production of an original document