Persuasive devices Flashcards
Used to gain more understanding from the audience and to clarify, more than once, the purpose of the persuasive writing.
Emotive language is used for?
Used to make the reader feel empathetic about a certain subject and make them feel emotional towards it.
“Over 85% of people disagree with this outcome” is an example of?
Statistics to make your point seem more supported and proved by evidence.
Why is hyperbole used in persuasion?
Hyperbole is used to exaggerate the words you are speaking so that the audience take in the seriousness of your persuasion task.
Direct address is used to…?
Direct address is used to include the audience with “we” and to engage people individually with “you” so that they feel specifically involved.
These are used to provide 3 points to support an argument or to describe it.
A group of three.
What is a rhetorical question?
A question that does not need an answer as it is almost obvious however gets people to process their thought more and to get involved.
Why is it good to show a side of for and against?
To show that you understand both sides of the argument and can offer suggestions, however feel stronger about one side of the argument.
Types of persuasive writing…?
Speeches, Letters, Leaflets, Articles, Propaganda etc.
What should be included in your persuasive opening?
In the opening paragraph of your persuasive writing you should include the situation you are addressing, whether you are wanting to change it, abolish it or create it.
What does a summary do in persuasive writing?
Summaries, in persuasive writing, often sum up everything that has been said and should end with a strong, powerful, persuasive sentence.
‘Get, do, will, put’ are all examples of what? And what are they for?
Imperative verbs, used to almost order people to do things.
Persuasive Attention Rhetorical Question Technique Statistics
Personal Opinion
It is important to show personal opinion as it shows you are confident in what you are writing about and you know what it is you would like to change in the world
Graphs/Charts can be used for…?
Graphs and charts show evidence to support things in a linear way and is more likely to prove things and contain facts.
What should you open and end a formal letter with?
Opening: Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs/Sir/All
Ending: Yours Sincerely/Faithfully
How is a formal letter different to an informal letter?
An informal letter is often friendly and can contain slang or certain dialect, however formal letters are mature and sophisticated and are only written with full English language.
What needs to be catchy or hooking on a newspaper article to get the audience to take interest?
You need a bold, related, heading on a newspaper which sums the story up briefly.
What is propaganda?
Propaganda is a poster which is eye catching created specifically to persuade, typically used during World War One recruitment.