Perspectives on the family Flashcards
Summary of The functionalist perspective on family
Functionalists believe that society is based on a value consensus- a set of shared norms and values nto which society socialises its members. Enabiling the sustainment of society’s needs.
Society is a system made up of sub systems that are dependent on eachother. (Human body analogy)
How does Murdock define the Nuclear family?
“The family is a social group characterised by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction. It includes adults of both sexes at least two of whom maintain a socially approved seual relationship. And one or more children, own or adopted of the sexually cohabiting adults. 1949
What does Murdock argue about the family
The family performs four essential functions to meet society’s needs.
* Reproduction of the next generation, without society cannot continue
* **Stable satisfaction of the sex drive **with the same partner preventing social disruption
* Socialisation of the young into society’s shared norms and values
* **Meeting members’ economic needs **such as food and shelter.
What are criticisms of Murdock’s theory on The family
- Some argue that the four essential functions can also be performed by families other than nucleur e.g ick tribe in africa, polyamorous
- Feminists see the family as serving the needs of the patriarchy and oppressing men
- Marxists see the family as meeting the needs of capitalism and not those of family members or society as a whole
What does Parsons believe about the family?
FUNCTIONALIST 1955-functional fit theory
Believes that the functions that the family performs will depend on the society in which it is found. Parsons distinguishes two different family types
The nucleur family:Just parents and their dependent children
**The extended family **of three generations living under the same roof.
He argues that the nucleur family fits the needs of the modern industrial society and the extended family fits the needs of the pre industrial society. Society has become more industrial and so its needs fit more with nucleur family.
- Geographically mobile workplace, originally people worked in the same villages often had farms. It is easier for the pat two generation nucleur family to move and suits the modern industry georgaphically mobile workforce
- Socially mobile workforce, evolving technology requires a skilled tech competent workforce. Adult sons leave home and marry forming their own nucleur family and become structurally isolated from its extended kin less duty to help eachother.
When society industrialises there is a loss of functions as aresult family must perform two functions
Primary socialisation of children:To equid with basic skills and society’s values to begin intergreation into society.
The stabilisation of adult personalities:Family can release tensions and relax members enabiling them to return to the workplace ready to meet its demands.
Warm bath theory
Summary of The Marxist perspective on family
Marxist sociologists see capitalist society as based on an unequal conflict between two social classes, the capitalist class (bougeroise) who own means of production and the working class whose labour the capitalists exploit for profit.
Marxists believe that the functions of the family are performed purely for the benefit of capitalist society.
What does Fletcher believe about the family?
agrees that the family has become alot more specialised and has lost several functions in a modern industrial society, claims that non essential secondary functios famillies once performed are now carried out more effectively by the welfare state.
- Stable satisfaction of sexuality
- reproduction
- rearing of children
What do Marxists belive about inheritance of property and family?
marxists argue that the key factor determining the shape of all social institutions in the mode of productiona nd who owns and controls society’s productive forces. In modern society it is the capitalist class. As the mode of production evolves so does the family.
What does Engels believe about the family
MARXIST-the origin of family 1884
* Family emerged with the invention of private property as a class of men emerged who were able to control the means of production
* Monogamy became essential because of inheritance of private property men had to be certain paterinity to ensure inheritance
* rise of monogamous nucelur family lead to a ‘world historical defeat to the womean sex’ as it brought womens sexuality under male control.
Only with the overthrowal of capitalism will women achieve liberation from patriarchal control
What do Marxists believe about the family performing ideologial functions?
Family supports capitalism in many ways
- socialising children into the idea that heirachy and inequality is inevitable e.g paternal power over children prepares for working life
- Family as a unit of consumption buys the goods and services provided by capitalism
- Womens domestic work is unpaid benefiting capitalism
- Changing trends e.g clothing encourage parents to constantly buy for their children
Eli Zaretsky (1976) the family also performs a function of providing n apparent ‘haven’ from the harsh exploitative world of capitalism. This is largely an illusion of false conciousness and the family cannot meet member’s needs
Criticisms of the Marxist perspective on Families.
- Assume that the nucleur family is dominant in capitalist society, ignoring the wide variety of family strictures in society today.
- Feminists argue that marxists emphasis on class and capitalism underestimates the importance of gender inequalities within the family.
- Functionalists argue that marxists ignore the benefits of the family
Summary of Feminist views on family
Feminists see the family as perpetuating patriarchy. Libereal, radical and marxist feminits differ over the cause of women’s subordination and the solution to it.
What do liberal feminists believe about the family?
- Concerned with campaigning against sex discrimination and equal rights for women.
- They argue that women’s oppression is being gradually overcome through changes in attitudes and changes in law e.g sex discrimmination act 1975
- hold a much more march of progress approach
- believe gender equality has not yet been achieved in the family it is a gradual process
Criticisms of liberal feminist approach on family
fail to challenge the underlying causes of women’s oppression and for believing that changes in the law and attitudes will be enough to achieve equality. Radical and marxist feminists argue that far reaching changes to deep rooted social strictures are needed
What do Marxist feminists believe about the family?
Main cause of womens opression in the family is not the men but capitalism. Women’s oppression performs severeal functions for capitalism.
- Women reproduce the labour force through their unpaid domestic labour by socialising next generation of workers and servicing the current one
- Women absorb angerthat would otherwise be directed at capitalism. Fran Ansley describes wives as takers of shit who soak up anger about expolitative work from husbands.
- Women are a reserve army for cheap labour can be taken on when extra workers are needed they can be let go and returned to unpaid domestic labour