Perspective Taking Flashcards
Social cognition:
Any thoughts involved in understanding the mental states of others and engaging in social interactions that guide our decision making.
Perspective taking:
Our ability to understand a situation from another person’s viewpoint.
Perspective taking research was conducted by who?
Perspective taking research method and findings
Selman asked children aged 4-6 how they felt in scenarios involving dilemmas to investigate the development of perspective taking.
- One scenario involved a child called Holly (who promised her father not to climb trees), preparing to climb a tree to save a kitten.
- Based on a child’s response to why people in the story behaved the way they do, they were catagorised to a particular stage of perspective taking.
- This was found to correlate with age
Selman suggested that development of perspective taking occurs…
…as you biologically mature
Name drop all of Selman’s stages:
- Stage 0 - Socially egocentric
- Stage 1 - Social Information role-taking
- Stage 2 - Self-reflective role-taking
- Stage 3 - Mutual role taking
- Stage 4 - Societal role taking
Stage 0:
Socially egocentric
Stage 1:
Social Information role-taking
Stage 2:
Self-reflective role-taking
Stage 3:
Mutual role taking
Stage 4:
Societal role taking
0: Socially Egocentric:
- 3-6 years
- A child cannot distinguish between their own perspective and that of others
- Able to identify the mental states of others but they are unaware of the social causes behind these mental emotions. Their ability to perspective take is governed by their own perspective.
1: Social Information role-taking
- 6-8 years
- The child can now tell the difference between their own perspective and that of others - DIFFERENTIATION.
- They understand that the reason behind people having different perspectives is their differences in social experiences.
- However, they can only focus on one perspective at a time, typically that of their own
2: Self-reflective role-taking
- 8-10 years
- Child can put themselves in the position of another person and fully appreciate their perspective. But they can only focus on one external perspective at a time.
- Moreover, a child can now reflect on how they are perceived by another person
3: Mutual role-taking
- 10-12 years
- A child can look beyond a 2-person situation and imagine how themself and the other person looks like from a third person’s perspective
- A child can also now consider 2 perspectives at the same time - INTEGRATION