Perspective of Human Behavior before Psych Lectures Flashcards
Sigmund Freud published his first book in 1900
Died in 1939
The first explanation of human behavior came from context. Then, psychology came along in the 20th century and began to explain human behavior from the viewpoint of natural forces.
Both understand human behavior but with different points of view.
The Greeks 4,000 years ago were among the first to look inside the human being for clues to explain human behavior. It was an intellectual revival in the Greek culture where they started to try to understand the natural world around us. This was the beginning of sciences, physiology, and biology and the beginning of mathematics.
Age of Rationalism
He asked questions about the nature of man. He wondered if there was something about human nature that had something to do with our behavior.
Socrates (469-399 BC)
He speculated about emotions, perception, and learning. He is saying there were more than one cause of how we learn and perceive things.
Plato (429-347 BC)
He proposed that behavior is subject to the same principles as other natural phenomena
Aristotle (348-322 BC)
It is abstracted, changeable and influenced by multiple things
Good behavior is the work of God and bad behavior is the work of the devil
Roman punishment that lead to brutal crude and fatal kinds of treatment
Stoning people and burning people is an example of
A group of people that behaved very unusual and were possessed by the “devil within”
Salem witch trials 1700s-1730
In the Salem witch trials how many were hanged?
Means the mind
The study of human behavior
The concept or idea that began in the late 1700s-1800s
This came from merging of two existing disciplines, philosophy and physiology
The study of the nature of man
The study of the internal workings of man