first step in selection process
Initial Screening
– education, experience, and licensure examinations
Minimum Criteria
- process by which a job vacancy is identified, and potential employees
are notified.
outline of the role of the job holder
Job description
– outline of the skills and qualities required of the post holder
Person specification
Steps involved in choosing people who
have the right qualifications to fill a current
or future job opening.
Selection Process
are responsible for the hiring of individuals (Ex. CMT or pathologist)
Managers and supervisors
define and guide the managers in selecting applicants
human resource management
– determine the technical skills and competence
Specialized/difficult questions
– determine the technical skills and competence
Specialized/difficult questions
measures the ability of applicants in doing their applied task
Performance tests
include general reasoning and mental abilities like memory
and inductive reasoning
Intelligence tests / Cognitive Aptitude tests
inventory of the likes and dislikes of the applicant in relation to their work
Interest tests
discover the individual’s value system,
which includes emotional reaction, maturity, and characteristic mood of an applicant
Test for emotional reaction and adjustments(Personality Test)
– questions are not prearranged and unstructured
Non-directive interviews