Personality Theory Flashcards
Define psychoanalysis
- a procedure & theory of personality/mind
The three conceptual approaches most influential to contemporary psychoanalytic thought
- modern structural theory
- Self Psychology
- Object Relations Theory
Most Imp areas of convergence
- Continuum concept: mental disorders lie on a continuum
- early childhood development (adults re-enact early childhood experiences and fantasy)
- Unconscious mental processes on determining behavior
- Approach to treatment
- Significance of theory and clinical data
Define Personality
- the enduring inner characteristics of individuals that organize behavior
- accounts for consistent patterns of behavior
- mediate person’s behavior with the world
- systematically organized and do not operate randomly
The human personality is a system that seeks and creates meaning
Freuds ultimate mission
- find biological basis of human behavior, personality, and mind
- believes sex keeps psychology in biological terms
Define Transference
- an instance of unconscious organizing activity (ex. relating past instances to the present.. or holding everyone accountable for someone else’s mistake)
Define countertransference
- feelings/ attitudes evoked in the physician by the patient’s transference ( physician demonstrating a certain attitude, or feeling based on the pt personality)
Define Defense Mechanism
- coping styles; automatic psychological processes that protect the individual against anxiety and awareness of internal or external dangers or stressors.
- operate to maintain equilibrium, and at an unconscious level
Define Continuum Approach
- a defense mechanism that organizes the defenses
- MOST mature and adaptive defenses: serves to protect from anxiety and negative feelings without a significant social cost (ex. sublimation, suppression, altruism, humor..
- LESS mature or adaptive: protects from distress but with significant social cost (projection, splitting, acting out)
Define Common Defense among medical patients…
- Stress that comes with routine doctor’s visits, medical conditions. and/or hospitalization
- medical content represents fertile ground to observe defense mechanism (repression, denial, undoing, regression, idealization)
Define defenses of highly educated (from the physician)…
- using the minds higher functions to ward off distress
(intellectualization, rationalization, isolation of affect) - BE SURE TO VIEW PPT/HANDOUT FOR EXAMPLES*
Acting out
Deal with emotional conflict or internal or external stressors by actions rather than reflections or feelings. Defensive acting out is not synonymous with bad behavior because it requires evidence that the behavior is related to emotional conflicts.
Deal with emotional conflict or internal or external stressors by dedication to meeting the needs of others. Unlike the self-sacrifice sometimes characteristic of reaction formation, the individual receives gratification either vicariously or from the response of others.
Deal with emotional conflict or internal or external stressors by refusing to acknowledge some painful aspect of external reality or subjective experience that would be apparent to others. The term psychotic denial is used when there is gross impairment in reality testing.
Deal with emotional conflict or internal or external stressors by attributing exaggerated negative qualities to self or others