Personality Disorders; Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Flashcards
Someone with a lack of remorse and no concern for others is termed what?
a sociopath
who is more likely to be a sociopath males or females?
if they are less than 18 and display sociopath characteristics they have to be diagnosed with what?
conduct disorder
What is the classic triad of conduct disorder?
set fires, torture animals, bed wetting
a pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts. This definition describe what kind of disorder?
Avoidant personality disorder
does someone who has avoidant personality disorder, desire relationships with others?
yes, which is different than schizoid where they dont desire relations with others
What are common concerns for those who suffer from body dysmorphic disorder?
- Face- most common
- hair
- skin
- breasts
- dick size/genitalia
People with body dysmorphic syndrome have a high comorbidity with what other disorders?
depressive/anxiety disorders; linked to psychotic disorder & OCD
someone presents with emotional instability, unstable relationships and self harming behavior. What is top of your Ddx?
borderline personality disorder
How do those with borderline personality disorder describe their relationships.
They are either the best ever or the worst no inbetween
What is a major defense mechanism for someone with borderline personality disorder?
Someone present with submissive and clingy personality, they need to be taken care of, and they have low self esteem. What is top of your DDx?
dependent personality disorder
A highschool girl presents with episodes of bursting ot in class, naking scenes, and going on websites to find sex partners. What kind of disorder does this chick have?
Histrionic personality disorder
do those with histrionic disorder have a large or small concern for personal appearance?
Large concern.
Needs to be the center of attention. Very dramatic. Dresses for attention. Very shallow. Seductive and flirtatious.
This describes someone with what disorder?
Histrionic personality disorder
A male comes to you, and explains he is the absolute best at his job, he should run the company, says he graduated from the best of colleges, loves to be praised and obsessed with what others think of him. What kind of disorder does this describe?
narcissistic personality disorder
Need for admiration, grandiose thoughts, concerned about what others think yet lack empathy
describes what disorder?
narcissistic personality disorder
- sense of entitlement
- Lacks empathy
- Reacts to criticism with rage
Describe obessions when it pertains to obessive compulsive disorder?
Recurring, intrusive thoughts that cause severe distress and impairment
Describe the compulsions aspect of OCD?
performance of repetitive actions (rituals) in an attempt to neutralize the obsessions
is OCD ego-syntoninc or ego-dystonic?
it is dystonic, behavior is inconsistent with ones own beliefs and attitudes
obsessive compulsive personality disorder is syntonic
What is an associated condition with OCD
Tourettes disorder
Patients tend to be preoccupied with order, perfectionism, and control
This describes what kind of disorder?
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
When someone is ego-syntonic are they aware or unaware of their behavior causing issues?
mother fuckers are unaware, they think they are good to go
if someone has family members with schizophrenia are they at a high or lower chance of having a paranoid personality disorder?
they have a higher chance
how is paranoid personality disorder characterized?
persistent feeling of suspiciousness and mistrust of other people
A patient comes into the office and they seem to be completely indifferent to praise or criticism they appear to have emotional aloofness. What kind of disorder is on your diff?
schizoid personality disorder
Describe some characteristics of schizoid personality disorder.
Exhibit voluntary social withdrawal
Content with social isolation (vs avoidant)
Limited emotional expression
No association with schizophrenia
odd eccentric behavior and discomfort with social relationships, the person shows a pattern of social and interpersonal deficits marked by acute discomfort with, and reduced capacity for, close relationships
This person suffers from what?
schizotypal personality disorder
What are some characteristics of schizotypal personality disorder?
resents with eccentric behavior, magical thoughts, odd beliefs, and perceptual distortion
These patients ARE ABLE TO FUNCTION IN SOCIETY, though struggle to maintain social relationships
Patients may develop schizophrenia