Personality disorders - aa Flashcards
Defensive, oversensitive, secretive, suspicious, hyperalert
paranoid - antipsychotics
Pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships, restricted range/expression of emotions in interpersonal settings, lacks close friends, appears indifferent to praise/criticism from others
schizoid - group therapy, CBT?
Pervasive pattern of social and interpersonal deficits PLUS odd beliefs, magical thinking, superstitions, bizarre fantasies or preoccupations
schizotypal - antipsychotics
Selfish, callous, promiscuous, impulsive, disregards rights of others, lack of remorse
antisocial - group therapy
Impulsive, unstable/intense personal relationships, suffused with anger, fear, guilt, feelings of emptiness, history of being abused, fearful of being abandoned
borderline - DBT, dialectical behavior therapy; drugs for specific components: lithium for anger/impulsivity, SSRIs for mood fluctuation, etc.
Excessively self-centered, self-absorbed; grandiosity, lack of empathy for others, exaggerates accomplishments
narcissistic - group therapy with other narcissists
Pattern of excessive emotionality and attention-seeking; uncomfortable in situations in which he/she is not the center of attention; inappropriately sexually seductive
histrionic - psychotherapy
Passive, overaccepting, unable to make decisions, lacks confidence, submissive and clinging behavior
dependent - SSRIs, therapy
Perfectionist, rigid thought patterns, need for control, preoccupied with lists, details, rules; overconscientious, scupulous, inflexible
obsessive-compulsive - SSRIs, cognitive behavioral therapy
Resents demands placed on them by others and resists them indirectly via procrastination, stubbornness, intentional inefficiency & memory lapses
passive aggressive