Personality Disorders Flashcards
Define personality disorders
Personality disorders = cover a variety of maladaptive personality traits - that cause significant psychosocial distress + interfere with functioning
These traits = remain relatively persistent in the person over time + impact their life and relationships
What are personality disorders characterised by?
Personality disorders = characterised by patterns of:
* Behaviour
* Emotion
* Thought
That differ from what is normally expected
More specifically, deviation has to manifest in more than one of the following areas:
* Cognition
* Affectivity
* Occupational + social performance
* **Impulse control + need gratification **
* Interpersonal function
Leads to:
* Difficult relationships
* Reduced QoL
* Poor physical health
Causes of personality disorders
Combination of genetic + environmental factors
Often Hx of early childhood trauma + difficult circumstances
When do symptoms of personality disorders typically start to emerge?
Teenage or early adult years
Symptoms depend on type + individual
What are the 3 categories of personality disorders in the DSM-5
- Cluster A - Suspicious
- Cluster B - Emotional or impulsive
- Cluster C - Anxious
Mad, sad, bad
What are the 3 suspicious personality disorders?
- Paranoid personality disorders - difficulty in trusting or revealing personal info to others
- Schizoid personality disorders - lack of interest or desire to form relations wth others + feeling no benefit from them
- Schizotypical personality disorder - unusual beliefs, thoughts, behaviours + social anxiety (forming relationships = difficult)
What are the 4 emotional and impulsive personality disorders?
- Antisocial personality disorder - reckless + harmful behaviour with lack of concern for consequences or impact of their behaviour on other people - often involves criminal misconduct
- Borderline personality disorder (BPD) - fluctuating strong emotional + difficulties with identity and maintaing healthy relationships
- Histrionic peronality disorder - need to be centre of attention + performing for others to maintain that attention
- Narcissistic personality disorder - feelings that they are special + need others to recognise this, otherwise they get upset. They put themselves first.
What are the 3 anxious personality disorders?
- Avoidant personality disorder - severe anxiety about rejection or disapproval + avoidance of social situations or relationships
- Dependent personality disorder - heavy reliance on others to make decisions + take responsibility for their lives - taking a very passive approach
- Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder - unrealistic expectations of how things should be done by themselves + others. Cataastrophising about what will happen if these expectations are not met
Management for personality disorders
- Risk management (short and long term) - e.g. ongoing self-harm, suicide, harm to others
- Main treatment = psychological treatment (CBT or dialectial behaviour therapy (DBT))
- Short-term: sedative medication (sedative antihistamines) - used for less than one week in a crisis
Personality disorders = can co-exist with other psychiatric problems (e.g. depression), where medications may be helpful
Info: Medications for personality disorders
(Most effective if individually tailored and symptom focused)
- Antipsychotics - cognitive symptoms, impulsivity, tense angry effect
- Monoamine oxidase inhibitors - EUPD to alleviate abnormal mood
- Carbamazepine + Lithium - episodic behavioural dyscontrol + aggression