Personality Disorder Flashcards
General criteria for a PD
- impairments in cognition, affect, personal relationships, impulse control
Criteria for Paranoid PD
general distrust of others plus 4 of SUSPECT:
Spousal infidelity suspected
Unforgiving (holds grudges)
Suspicious that ppl are exploiting or deceiving
Perceives attacks on character, quick to counter-attack
Enemy or friend?
relucatnt to Confide in others
Threats seen in benign remarks
Treatment for paranoid PD
Criteria for Schizoid PD
general withdrawal plus 4 of DISTANT Detached or flattened affect Indifferent to criticism Sexual relations not interested Tasks done solitarily Absence of close friend Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships Takes please in few activities
Relationships -doesn't want -no sex -chooses to be alone -few friends Emotions -cold -pleasure in few activities -indifferent to criticism or praise
Criteria for Schizotypal PD
ME PECULIAR9 Magical thinking Experiences unusual perceptions Paranoid ideation Eccentric behavior or appearance Constricted or inappropriate affect Unusual thinking or speech Lacks close friends Ideas of reference Anxiety in social situations Rule out psychotic or pervasive developmental disorders
Criteria for Borderline PD
IMPULSIVE Impulsive Moodiness Paranoia or dissociation under stress Unstable self-image Labile intense relationships Suicidal gestures Inappropriate anger Vulnerability to abandonment Emptiness (feelings of)
Criteria for Histrionic PD
Provocative or seductive behavior
Relationships considered more intimate than they are
Attention (need to be the center of)
Influenced easily
Style of speech (impressionistic, lacking detail)
Emotions (rapidly shifting, shallow)
Make up (physical appearance used to draw attention to self)
Emotions exaggerated
Criteria for Narcissisitic PD
GRANDIOSE Grandiose Requires attention Arrogant Need to be special Dreams of success and power Interpersonally exploitative Others (unable to recognize feelings/needs of) Sense of entitlement Envious
Criteria for Dependent PD
Reassurance required
Expressing disagreement difficult
Life responsibilities assumed by others
Initiating projects difficult
Alone (feels helpless and uncomfortable when alone)
Nurturance (goes to excessive lengths to obtain)
Companionship sought urgently when a relationship ends
Exaggerated fears of being left to care for self
Criteria for Antisocial PD
CORRUPT Cannot conform to law Obligations ignored Reckless disregard for safety Remorseless Underhanded (deceitful) Planning insufficient (impulsive) Temper (irritable and aggressive)
Criteria for Avoidant PD
Criticism or rejection preoccupies thoughts in social situations
Restraint in relationships due to fear of shame
Inhibited in new relationships
Needs to be sure of being liked before engaging socially
Gets around occupational activities with need for interpersonal contact
Embarrassment prevents new activity or taking risks
Self viewed as unappealing or inferior
Criteria for OCPD
SCRIMPER Stubborn Cannot discard worthless objects Rule obsessed Inflexible Miserly Perfectionistic Excludes leisure due to devotion to work Reluctant to delegate to others
Immature defenses
Acting Out Externalization Fantasy Idealization Omnipotent Control Passive Aggressive Projection Projective Identification Somatization
Pathological defenses
Neurotic defenses
Displacement Dissociation Hypochondriasis Intellectualization Isolation Rationalization Reaction Formation Regression Repression/Blocking Undoing
Mature defenses
Altruism Anticipation Humor Identification Introjection Sublimation Suppresion
Paranoid PD defense mechanism
Schizotypal PD defense mechanisms
Histrionic PD defense mechanisms
Hypochondriasis, Somatization, Regression
Narcissistic PD defense mechanisms
Omnipotent Control, Denial,
Antisocial PD defense mechanisms
Acting Out,
Denial, Externalization
Borderline PD defense mechanisms
Acting Out, Splitting, Projective Identification,
OCPD defense mechanisms
Dependent PD defense mechanism