Personality Cult Flashcards
How did personality cults strengthen the regime?
because they inspired personal loyalty within the population to the leader and presented them as wise, humane and benevolent
How was the initial cult of Lenin created?
through the use of his image and sayings in soviet propaganda
How was Lenin represented through his cult of personality?
-presented as saintly and a man who was willing to suffer for the people
-seen as modern day christ for surviving assassination attempt
-gave population someone to look up to
What was the cult of Stalin like in comparison to Lenin’s cult?
it was much more extensive
What was the purpose of Stalin’s cult of personality?
-to emphasise him as the legitimate leader of the soviet union because he was the ‘Lenin of today’
-meant that dissatisfaction with certain aspects of Soviet life could be blamed on local leaders as Stalin ‘could do no wrong’
-helped consolidate his own personal power
Myth of 2 Leaders
where soviet history was altered and manipulated to suggest that Lenin and Stalin had led the revolution together
-it placed stalin at the centre of events stressing his major role while removing opponents like trotsky
the leader with ultimate authority- stalin became known by this and was a celebrated figure
-emphasised Stalin’s role as a military leader who led the USSR to victory during WWII
-Military rank of Generalissimo was created specifically for stalin
How did personality cults change after Stalin’s death?
they became much less effective
Why was Khrushchev seen as a hypocrite?
because he criticised Stalin’s cult of personality then created two of his own
How did personality cults strengthen the regime?
because they inspired personal loyalty within the population to the leader and presented them as wise, humane and benevolent
How was the initial cult of Lenin created?
through the use of his image and sayings in soviet propaganda
How was Lenin represented through his cult of personality? (3)
- presented as saintly and a man who was willing to suffer for the people
- seen as modern day christ for surviving assassination attempt
- gave population someone to look up to
What was the cult of Stalin like in comparison to Lenin’s cult?
it was much more extensive