Personality: Chapter 11 Flashcards
What is the definition of personality?
An individual’s unique and consistent pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving.
Who was Sigmund Freud?
An Austrian neurologist who developed the psychoanalytic theory of personality and
What are Freud’s three structures of the personality?
Id: primitive, unconscious, demands that all needs be met now
Ego: conscious, rational, trying to balance needs with real-world limits
Superego: mostly unconscious, sense of right and wrong, can be harsh and shaming
What is a defense mechanism? Define the ones we covered in class:
the way the ego unconsciously protects itself from anxious
feelings and conflicts with the id and superego.
Denial: Being unaware of unpleasant or unacceptable feelings or information
Projection: projecting our own unacceptable feelings onto another person
Rationalization: making an excuse for feelings and behavior that are unacceptable to us
Displacement: taking out our negative feelings on a safe object or person
What is the Oedipal complex?
occurs in the phallic stage in Freud’s theory of psychosexual
development. The 4-5 year old child is becoming aware of genital sensation. He develops
an attraction to his opposite-sex parent and a rivalry with his same-sex parent
Although much of Freud’s theory has not been supported by research, he did make several
contributions that have lasted generations. What are these?
Influence of unconscious feelings and needs; importance of early childhood experiences; influence of sexual and aggressive impulses; influence of internal conflicts
What was the name of Carl Roger’s personality theory?
Humanistic Theory
What is unconditional positive regard?
When we are loved and accepted for who we are, regardless of our behavior
What is actualization?
A basic human drive to achieve our highest potential
What does social cognitive theory emphasize?
The three-way interactions among cognitive factors (thoughts and perceptions), behavior and the social environment in influencing personality
What is the significance of the marshmallow test experiment?
Children were given a choice between eating one marshmallow now or waiting and getting two marshmallows. Children who were able to delay gratification showed greater success in school and work at a later age. The ability to delay gratification involves skills that can be taught to children.
What is a trait?
a stable, enduring predisposition to behave in a certain way.
What are the traits of the Five-Factor model of personality? (OCEAN)
Openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism
What trait encompasses imagination, creativity and seeking out new experiences?
What trait encompasses being ambitious, working hard, and persisting until done?
What trait encompasses being outgoing and happiest in a group?
Personality is frequently measured by psychologists by what two kinds of tests?
Projective tests and self-report measures
What is the MMPI?
a 500 item True-False test which measures personality characteristics and is often used in court, employment and clinical situations.