Personality and Psychological Assessment Ch: 15 Flashcards
What is the psychological core?
a persons basic personality, unchanging over time.
What is the peripheral states?
aspects of a persons basic personality that are constantly fluxing.
What is personality?
dynamic interaction between core traits and peripheral states.
How does Hollander define personality?
psychological core, typical responses, and role related behaviors.
What are typical responses?
predictable behaviors in response to daily events that are slightly less entrenched than core traits.
What are role-related behaviors?
the most superficial, and therefore malleable aspect of the personality.
What is the constitutional theory?
Sheldon’s theory of somatotypes or basic body types, that predict personality.
What is the psychobiological theory?
Dishman’s theory that biological factors interact with psychological variables to produce and index of exercise compliance.
What behaviors are most susceptible to be influenced by the social environment?
Role Related Behaviors
What are the six theories of personality?
Biological, psychodynamic, humanistic, behavioral, trait, and interactional.
What is an ectomorph?
Characterized by leanness and angularity of build, responds with a high level of activity, tension, and introversion.
What is a mesomorph?
Very muscular and athletic responding to environmental stimuli with aggression, risk taking, and leadership.
What is an endomorph?
A rounder body type that reacts behaviorally with joviality, generosity, affection, and social ability.
What is Dishman’s contention?
Those biological factors, such as body composition, interact with psychological variables like motivation, to produce an index of exercise compliance.
What is psychoanalytic theory?
Freud’s controversial theory that if human behavior is basically unregulated and we are left to our own devices, we would be self-destructive.
What is the psychoanalytic theory based on?
The intrapsychic model focussed on pessimism and pathology.
What is the intrapsychic model?
Freud’s separation of the personality into three components- id, ego, and superego-that constantly compete for dominance over our psyche.
If an individual’s Id wins is the most dominant, what kind of person are they?
a thrill seeker in constant search of pleasure.
If an individual’s super ego wins is the most dominant, what kind of person are they?
a dogmatic moralist or a rule follower.
If an individual’s can balance super ego and Id, what kind of person are they?
a mix of the pleasure seeking id and non moralistic superego called ego.
Why does the Freudian psychoanalytic model have a limit for sports psychologist?
sport participants aren’t different from the average individual in their psychological issues.
Which model contradicts Freud’s psychoanalytic theory?
the humanistic model, a belief that human nature is basically good and based on free choice we have the ability to change and grow
WHat are the three humanistic philosophers?
Rousseau, Maslow, and Rogers.
With Freud’s psychoanalytic model, how are bad impulses monitored?
laws, rules, and customs.